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@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter
* Autofilter Worksheet
* @var PHPExcel_Worksheet
private $_workSheet = NULL;
* Autofilter Range
* @var string
private $_range = '';
* Autofilter Column Ruleset
* @var array of PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column
private $_columns = array();
* Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter
* @param string $pRange Cell range (i.e. A1:E10)
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet
public function __construct($pRange = '', PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = NULL)
$this->_range = $pRange;
$this->_workSheet = $pSheet;
* Get AutoFilter Parent Worksheet
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
public function getParent() {
return $this->_workSheet;
* Set AutoFilter Parent Worksheet
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter
public function setParent(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = NULL) {
$this->_workSheet = $pSheet;
return $this;
* Get AutoFilter Range
* @return string
public function getRange() {
return $this->_range;
* Set AutoFilter Range
* @param string $pRange Cell range (i.e. A1:E10)
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter
public function setRange($pRange = '') {
// Uppercase coordinate
$cellAddress = explode('!',strtoupper($pRange));
if (count($cellAddress) > 1) {
list($worksheet,$pRange) = $cellAddress;
if (strpos($pRange,':') !== FALSE) {
$this->_range = $pRange;
} elseif(empty($pRange)) {
$this->_range = '';
} else {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Autofilter must be set on a range of cells.');
if (empty($pRange)) {
// Discard all column rules
$this->_columns = array();
} else {
// Discard any column rules that are no longer valid within this range
list($rangeStart,$rangeEnd) = PHPExcel_Cell::rangeBoundaries($this->_range);
foreach($this->_columns as $key => $value) {
$colIndex = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($key);
if (($rangeStart[0] > $colIndex) || ($rangeEnd[0] < $colIndex)) {
return $this;
* Get all AutoFilter Columns
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return array of PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column
public function getColumns() {
return $this->_columns;
* Validate that the specified column is in the AutoFilter range
* @param string $column Column name (e.g. A)
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return integer The column offset within the autofilter range
public function testColumnInRange($column) {
if (empty($this->_range)) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("No autofilter range is defined.");
$columnIndex = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($column);
list($rangeStart,$rangeEnd) = PHPExcel_Cell::rangeBoundaries($this->_range);
if (($rangeStart[0] > $columnIndex) || ($rangeEnd[0] < $columnIndex)) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Column is outside of current autofilter range.");
return $columnIndex - $rangeStart[0];
* Get a specified AutoFilter Column Offset within the defined AutoFilter range
* @param string $pColumn Column name (e.g. A)
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return integer The offset of the specified column within the autofilter range
public function getColumnOffset($pColumn) {
return $this->testColumnInRange($pColumn);
* Get a specified AutoFilter Column
* @param string $pColumn Column name (e.g. A)
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column
public function getColumn($pColumn) {
if (!isset($this->_columns[$pColumn])) {
$this->_columns[$pColumn] = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column($pColumn, $this);
return $this->_columns[$pColumn];
* Get a specified AutoFilter Column by it's offset
* @param integer $pColumnOffset Column offset within range (starting from 0)
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column
public function getColumnByOffset($pColumnOffset = 0) {
list($rangeStart,$rangeEnd) = PHPExcel_Cell::rangeBoundaries($this->_range);
$pColumn = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($rangeStart[0] + $pColumnOffset - 1);
return $this->getColumn($pColumn);
* Set AutoFilter
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column|string $pColumn
* A simple string containing a Column ID like 'A' is permitted
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter
public function setColumn($pColumn)
if ((is_string($pColumn)) && (!empty($pColumn))) {
$column = $pColumn;
} elseif(is_object($pColumn) && ($pColumn instanceof PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column)) {
$column = $pColumn->getColumnIndex();
} else {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Column is not within the autofilter range.");
if (is_string($pColumn)) {
$this->_columns[$pColumn] = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column($pColumn, $this);
} elseif(is_object($pColumn) && ($pColumn instanceof PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column)) {
$this->_columns[$column] = $pColumn;
return $this;
* Clear a specified AutoFilter Column
* @param string $pColumn Column name (e.g. A)
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter
public function clearColumn($pColumn) {
if (isset($this->_columns[$pColumn])) {
return $this;
* Shift an AutoFilter Column Rule to a different column
* Note: This method bypasses validation of the destination column to ensure it is within this AutoFilter range.
* Nor does it verify whether any column rule already exists at $toColumn, but will simply overrideany existing value.
* Use with caution.
* @param string $fromColumn Column name (e.g. A)
* @param string $toColumn Column name (e.g. B)
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter
public function shiftColumn($fromColumn=NULL,$toColumn=NULL) {
$fromColumn = strtoupper($fromColumn);
$toColumn = strtoupper($toColumn);
if (($fromColumn !== NULL) && (isset($this->_columns[$fromColumn])) && ($toColumn !== NULL)) {
$this->_columns[$toColumn] = $this->_columns[$fromColumn];
return $this;
* Test if cell value is in the defined set of values
* @param mixed $cellValue
* @param mixed[] $dataSet
* @return boolean
private static function _filterTestInSimpleDataSet($cellValue,$dataSet)
$dataSetValues = $dataSet['filterValues'];
$blanks = $dataSet['blanks'];
if (($cellValue == '') || ($cellValue === NULL)) {
return $blanks;
return in_array($cellValue,$dataSetValues);
* Test if cell value is in the defined set of Excel date values
* @param mixed $cellValue
* @param mixed[] $dataSet
* @return boolean
private static function _filterTestInDateGroupSet($cellValue,$dataSet)
$dateSet = $dataSet['filterValues'];
$blanks = $dataSet['blanks'];
if (($cellValue == '') || ($cellValue === NULL)) {
return $blanks;
if (is_numeric($cellValue)) {
$dateValue = PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($cellValue);
if ($cellValue < 1) {
// Just the time part
$dtVal = date('His',$dateValue);
$dateSet = $dateSet['time'];
} elseif($cellValue == floor($cellValue)) {
// Just the date part
$dtVal = date('Ymd',$dateValue);
$dateSet = $dateSet['date'];
} else {
// date and time parts
$dtVal = date('YmdHis',$dateValue);
$dateSet = $dateSet['dateTime'];
foreach($dateSet as $dateValue) {
// Use of substr to extract value at the appropriate group level
if (substr($dtVal,0,strlen($dateValue)) == $dateValue)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Test if cell value is within a set of values defined by a ruleset
* @param mixed $cellValue
* @param mixed[] $ruleSet
* @return boolean
private static function _filterTestInCustomDataSet($cellValue, $ruleSet)
$dataSet = $ruleSet['filterRules'];
$join = $ruleSet['join'];
$customRuleForBlanks = isset($ruleSet['customRuleForBlanks']) ? $ruleSet['customRuleForBlanks'] : FALSE;
if (!$customRuleForBlanks) {
// Blank cells are always ignored, so return a FALSE
if (($cellValue == '') || ($cellValue === NULL)) {
return FALSE;
$returnVal = ($join == PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_JOIN_AND);
foreach($dataSet as $rule) {
if (is_numeric($rule['value'])) {
// Numeric values are tested using the appropriate operator
switch ($rule['operator']) {
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_EQUAL :
$retVal = ($cellValue == $rule['value']);
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_NOTEQUAL :
$retVal = ($cellValue != $rule['value']);
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_GREATERTHAN :
$retVal = ($cellValue > $rule['value']);
$retVal = ($cellValue >= $rule['value']);
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_LESSTHAN :
$retVal = ($cellValue < $rule['value']);
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_LESSTHANOREQUAL :
$retVal = ($cellValue <= $rule['value']);
} elseif($rule['value'] == '') {
switch ($rule['operator']) {
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_EQUAL :
$retVal = (($cellValue == '') || ($cellValue === NULL));
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_NOTEQUAL :
$retVal = (($cellValue != '') && ($cellValue !== NULL));
default :
$retVal = TRUE;
} else {
// String values are always tested for equality, factoring in for wildcards (hence a regexp test)
$retVal = preg_match('/^'.$rule['value'].'$/i',$cellValue);
// If there are multiple conditions, then we need to test both using the appropriate join operator
switch ($join) {
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_JOIN_OR :
$returnVal = $returnVal || $retVal;
// Break as soon as we have a TRUE match for OR joins,
// to avoid unnecessary additional code execution
if ($returnVal)
return $returnVal;
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_JOIN_AND :
$returnVal = $returnVal && $retVal;
return $returnVal;
* Test if cell date value is matches a set of values defined by a set of months
* @param mixed $cellValue
* @param mixed[] $monthSet
* @return boolean
private static function _filterTestInPeriodDateSet($cellValue, $monthSet)
// Blank cells are always ignored, so return a FALSE
if (($cellValue == '') || ($cellValue === NULL)) {
return FALSE;
if (is_numeric($cellValue)) {
$dateValue = date('m',PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($cellValue));
if (in_array($dateValue,$monthSet)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Search/Replace arrays to convert Excel wildcard syntax to a regexp syntax for preg_matching
* @var array
private static $_fromReplace = array('\*', '\?', '~~', '~.*', '~.?');
private static $_toReplace = array('.*', '.', '~', '\*', '\?');
* Convert a dynamic rule daterange to a custom filter range expression for ease of calculation
* @param string $dynamicRuleType
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column &$filterColumn
* @return mixed[]
private function _dynamicFilterDateRange($dynamicRuleType, &$filterColumn)
$rDateType = PHPExcel_Calculation_Functions::getReturnDateType();
$val = $maxVal = NULL;
$ruleValues = array();
$baseDate = PHPExcel_Calculation_DateTime::DATENOW();
// Calculate start/end dates for the required date range based on current date
switch ($dynamicRuleType) {
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_LASTWEEK :
$baseDate = strtotime('-7 days',$baseDate);
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_NEXTWEEK :
$baseDate = strtotime('-7 days',$baseDate);
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_LASTMONTH :
$baseDate = strtotime('-1 month',gmmktime(0,0,0,1,date('m',$baseDate),date('Y',$baseDate)));
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_NEXTMONTH :
$baseDate = strtotime('+1 month',gmmktime(0,0,0,1,date('m',$baseDate),date('Y',$baseDate)));
$baseDate = strtotime('-3 month',gmmktime(0,0,0,1,date('m',$baseDate),date('Y',$baseDate)));
$baseDate = strtotime('+3 month',gmmktime(0,0,0,1,date('m',$baseDate),date('Y',$baseDate)));
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_LASTYEAR :
$baseDate = strtotime('-1 year',gmmktime(0,0,0,1,date('m',$baseDate),date('Y',$baseDate)));
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_NEXTYEAR :
$baseDate = strtotime('+1 year',gmmktime(0,0,0,1,date('m',$baseDate),date('Y',$baseDate)));
switch ($dynamicRuleType) {
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_TODAY :
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_YESTERDAY :
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_TOMORROW :
$maxVal = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPtoExcel(strtotime('+1 day',$baseDate));
$val = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel($baseDate);
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_YEARTODATE :
$maxVal = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPtoExcel(strtotime('+1 day',$baseDate));
$val = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel(gmmktime(0,0,0,1,1,date('Y',$baseDate)));
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_THISYEAR :
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_LASTYEAR :
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_NEXTYEAR :
$maxVal = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel(gmmktime(0,0,0,31,12,date('Y',$baseDate)));
$val = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel(gmmktime(0,0,0,1,1,date('Y',$baseDate)));
$thisMonth = date('m',$baseDate);
$thisQuarter = floor(--$thisMonth / 3);
$maxVal = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPtoExcel(gmmktime(0,0,0,date('t',$baseDate),(1+$thisQuarter)*3,date('Y',$baseDate)));
$val = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel(gmmktime(0,0,0,1,1+$thisQuarter*3,date('Y',$baseDate)));
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_THISMONTH :
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_LASTMONTH :
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_NEXTMONTH :
$maxVal = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPtoExcel(gmmktime(0,0,0,date('t',$baseDate),date('m',$baseDate),date('Y',$baseDate)));
$val = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel(gmmktime(0,0,0,1,date('m',$baseDate),date('Y',$baseDate)));
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_THISWEEK :
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_LASTWEEK :
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_NEXTWEEK :
$dayOfWeek = date('w',$baseDate);
$val = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel($baseDate) - $dayOfWeek;
$maxVal = $val + 7;
switch ($dynamicRuleType) {
// Adjust Today dates for Yesterday and Tomorrow
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_YESTERDAY :
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_TOMORROW :
// Set the filter column rule attributes ready for writing
$filterColumn->setAttributes(array( 'val' => $val,
'maxVal' => $maxVal
// Set the rules for identifying rows for hide/show
$ruleValues[] = array( 'operator' => PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_GREATERTHANOREQUAL,
'value' => $val
$ruleValues[] = array( 'operator' => PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_LESSTHAN,
'value' => $maxVal
return array(
'method' => '_filterTestInCustomDataSet',
'arguments' => array( 'filterRules' => $ruleValues,
'join' => PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_JOIN_AND
private function _calculateTopTenValue($columnID,$startRow,$endRow,$ruleType,$ruleValue) {
$range = $columnID.$startRow.':'.$columnID.$endRow;
$dataValues = PHPExcel_Calculation_Functions::flattenArray(
$dataValues = array_filter($dataValues);
if ($ruleType == PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_TOPTEN_TOP) {
} else {
return array_pop(array_slice($dataValues,0,$ruleValue));
* Apply the AutoFilter rules to the AutoFilter Range
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter
public function showHideRows()
list($rangeStart,$rangeEnd) = PHPExcel_Cell::rangeBoundaries($this->_range);
// The heading row should always be visible
// echo 'AutoFilter Heading Row ',$rangeStart[1],' is always SHOWN',PHP_EOL;
$columnFilterTests = array();
foreach($this->_columns as $columnID => $filterColumn) {
$rules = $filterColumn->getRules();
switch ($filterColumn->getFilterType()) {
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column::AUTOFILTER_FILTERTYPE_FILTER :
$ruleValues = array();
// Build a list of the filter value selections
foreach($rules as $rule) {
$ruleType = $rule->getRuleType();
$ruleValues[] = $rule->getValue();
// Test if we want to include blanks in our filter criteria
$blanks = FALSE;
$ruleDataSet = array_filter($ruleValues);
if (count($ruleValues) != count($ruleDataSet))
$blanks = TRUE;
if ($ruleType == PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_FILTER) {
// Filter on absolute values
$columnFilterTests[$columnID] = array(
'method' => '_filterTestInSimpleDataSet',
'arguments' => array( 'filterValues' => $ruleDataSet,
'blanks' => $blanks
} else {
// Filter on date group values
$arguments = array(
'date' => array(),
'time' => array(),
'dateTime' => array(),
foreach($ruleDataSet as $ruleValue) {
$date = $time = '';
if ((isset($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_YEAR])) &&
($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_YEAR] !== ''))
$date .= sprintf('%04d',$ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_YEAR]);
if ((isset($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_MONTH])) &&
($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_MONTH] != ''))
$date .= sprintf('%02d',$ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_MONTH]);
if ((isset($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_DAY])) &&
($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_DAY] !== ''))
$date .= sprintf('%02d',$ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_DAY]);
if ((isset($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_HOUR])) &&
($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_HOUR] !== ''))
$time .= sprintf('%02d',$ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_HOUR]);
if ((isset($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_MINUTE])) &&
($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_MINUTE] !== ''))
$time .= sprintf('%02d',$ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_MINUTE]);
if ((isset($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_SECOND])) &&
($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_SECOND] !== ''))
$time .= sprintf('%02d',$ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_SECOND]);
$dateTime = $date . $time;
$arguments['date'][] = $date;
$arguments['time'][] = $time;
$arguments['dateTime'][] = $dateTime;
// Remove empty elements
$arguments['date'] = array_filter($arguments['date']);
$arguments['time'] = array_filter($arguments['time']);
$arguments['dateTime'] = array_filter($arguments['dateTime']);
$columnFilterTests[$columnID] = array(
'method' => '_filterTestInDateGroupSet',
'arguments' => array( 'filterValues' => $arguments,
'blanks' => $blanks
$customRuleForBlanks = FALSE;
$ruleValues = array();
// Build a list of the filter value selections
foreach($rules as $rule) {
$ruleType = $rule->getRuleType();
$ruleValue = $rule->getValue();
if (!is_numeric($ruleValue)) {
// Convert to a regexp allowing for regexp reserved characters, wildcards and escaped wildcards
$ruleValue = preg_quote($ruleValue);
$ruleValue = str_replace(self::$_fromReplace,self::$_toReplace,$ruleValue);
if (trim($ruleValue) == '') {
$customRuleForBlanks = TRUE;
$ruleValue = trim($ruleValue);
$ruleValues[] = array( 'operator' => $rule->getOperator(),
'value' => $ruleValue
$join = $filterColumn->getJoin();
$columnFilterTests[$columnID] = array(
'method' => '_filterTestInCustomDataSet',
'arguments' => array( 'filterRules' => $ruleValues,
'join' => $join,
'customRuleForBlanks' => $customRuleForBlanks
$ruleValues = array();
foreach($rules as $rule) {
// We should only ever have one Dynamic Filter Rule anyway
$dynamicRuleType = $rule->getGrouping();
if (($dynamicRuleType == PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_ABOVEAVERAGE) ||
($dynamicRuleType == PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_BELOWAVERAGE)) {
// Number (Average) based
// Calculate the average
$averageFormula = '=AVERAGE('.$columnID.($rangeStart[1]+1).':'.$columnID.$rangeEnd[1].')';
$average = PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance()->calculateFormula($averageFormula,NULL,$this->_workSheet->getCell('A1'));
// Set above/below rule based on greaterThan or LessTan
$operator = ($dynamicRuleType === PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_ABOVEAVERAGE)
: PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_LESSTHAN;
$ruleValues[] = array( 'operator' => $operator,
'value' => $average
$columnFilterTests[$columnID] = array(
'method' => '_filterTestInCustomDataSet',
'arguments' => array( 'filterRules' => $ruleValues,
'join' => PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_JOIN_OR
} else {
// Date based
if ($dynamicRuleType{0} == 'M' || $dynamicRuleType{0} == 'Q') {
// Month or Quarter
sscanf($dynamicRuleType,'%[A-Z]%d', $periodType, $period);
if ($periodType == 'M') {
$ruleValues = array($period);
} else {
$periodEnd = (1+$period)*3;
$periodStart = 1+$period*3;
$ruleValues = range($periodStart,periodEnd);
$columnFilterTests[$columnID] = array(
'method' => '_filterTestInPeriodDateSet',
'arguments' => $ruleValues
} else {
// Date Range
$columnFilterTests[$columnID] = $this->_dynamicFilterDateRange($dynamicRuleType, $filterColumn);
$ruleValues = array();
$dataRowCount = $rangeEnd[1] - $rangeStart[1];
foreach($rules as $rule) {
// We should only ever have one Dynamic Filter Rule anyway
$toptenRuleType = $rule->getGrouping();
$ruleValue = $rule->getValue();
$ruleOperator = $rule->getOperator();
if ($ruleOperator === PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_TOPTEN_PERCENT) {
$ruleValue = floor($ruleValue * ($dataRowCount / 100));
if ($ruleValue < 1) $ruleValue = 1;
if ($ruleValue > 500) $ruleValue = 500;
$maxVal = $this->_calculateTopTenValue($columnID,$rangeStart[1]+1,$rangeEnd[1],$toptenRuleType,$ruleValue);
$operator = ($toptenRuleType == PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_TOPTEN_TOP)
$ruleValues[] = array( 'operator' => $operator,
'value' => $maxVal
$columnFilterTests[$columnID] = array(
'method' => '_filterTestInCustomDataSet',
'arguments' => array( 'filterRules' => $ruleValues,
'join' => PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_JOIN_OR
array('maxVal' => $maxVal)
// echo 'Column Filter Test CRITERIA',PHP_EOL;
// var_dump($columnFilterTests);
// Execute the column tests for each row in the autoFilter range to determine show/hide,
for ($row = $rangeStart[1]+1; $row <= $rangeEnd[1]; ++$row) {
// echo 'Testing Row = ',$row,PHP_EOL;
$result = TRUE;
foreach($columnFilterTests as $columnID => $columnFilterTest) {
// echo 'Testing cell ',$columnID.$row,PHP_EOL;
$cellValue = $this->_workSheet->getCell($columnID.$row)->getCalculatedValue();
// echo 'Value is ',$cellValue,PHP_EOL;
// Execute the filter test
$result = $result &&
// echo (($result) ? 'VALID' : 'INVALID'),PHP_EOL;
// If filter test has resulted in FALSE, exit the loop straightaway rather than running any more tests
if (!$result)
// Set show/hide for the row based on the result of the autoFilter result
// echo (($result) ? 'SHOW' : 'HIDE'),PHP_EOL;
return $this;
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
if ($key == '_workSheet') {
// Detach from worksheet
$this->{$key} = NULL;
} else {
$this->{$key} = clone $value;
} elseif ((is_array($value)) && ($key == '_columns')) {
// The columns array of PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter objects
$this->{$key} = array();
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$this->{$key}[$k] = clone $v;
// attach the new cloned Column to this new cloned Autofilter object
} else {
$this->{$key} = $value;
* toString method replicates previous behavior by returning the range if object is
* referenced as a property of its parent.
public function __toString() {
return (string) $this->_range;

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@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing implements PHPExcel_IComparable
* Image counter
* @var int
private static $_imageCounter = 0;
* Image index
* @var int
private $_imageIndex = 0;
* Name
* @var string
protected $_name;
* Description
* @var string
protected $_description;
* Worksheet
* @var PHPExcel_Worksheet
protected $_worksheet;
* Coordinates
* @var string
protected $_coordinates;
* Offset X
* @var int
protected $_offsetX;
* Offset Y
* @var int
protected $_offsetY;
* Width
* @var int
protected $_width;
* Height
* @var int
protected $_height;
* Proportional resize
* @var boolean
protected $_resizeProportional;
* Rotation
* @var int
protected $_rotation;
* Shadow
* @var PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing_Shadow
protected $_shadow;
* Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function __construct()
// Initialise values
$this->_name = '';
$this->_description = '';
$this->_worksheet = null;
$this->_coordinates = 'A1';
$this->_offsetX = 0;
$this->_offsetY = 0;
$this->_width = 0;
$this->_height = 0;
$this->_resizeProportional = true;
$this->_rotation = 0;
$this->_shadow = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing_Shadow();
// Set image index
$this->_imageIndex = self::$_imageCounter;
* Get image index
* @return int
public function getImageIndex() {
return $this->_imageIndex;
* Get Name
* @return string
public function getName() {
return $this->_name;
* Set Name
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setName($pValue = '') {
$this->_name = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Description
* @return string
public function getDescription() {
return $this->_description;
* Set Description
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setDescription($pValue = '') {
$this->_description = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Worksheet
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
public function getWorksheet() {
return $this->_worksheet;
* Set Worksheet
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $pValue
* @param bool $pOverrideOld If a Worksheet has already been assigned, overwrite it and remove image from old Worksheet?
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setWorksheet(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pValue = null, $pOverrideOld = false) {
if (is_null($this->_worksheet)) {
// Add drawing to PHPExcel_Worksheet
$this->_worksheet = $pValue;
} else {
if ($pOverrideOld) {
// Remove drawing from old PHPExcel_Worksheet
$iterator = $this->_worksheet->getDrawingCollection()->getIterator();
while ($iterator->valid()) {
if ($iterator->current()->getHashCode() == $this->getHashCode()) {
$this->_worksheet->getDrawingCollection()->offsetUnset( $iterator->key() );
$this->_worksheet = null;
// Set new PHPExcel_Worksheet
} else {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("A PHPExcel_Worksheet has already been assigned. Drawings can only exist on one PHPExcel_Worksheet.");
return $this;
* Get Coordinates
* @return string
public function getCoordinates() {
return $this->_coordinates;
* Set Coordinates
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setCoordinates($pValue = 'A1') {
$this->_coordinates = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get OffsetX
* @return int
public function getOffsetX() {
return $this->_offsetX;
* Set OffsetX
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setOffsetX($pValue = 0) {
$this->_offsetX = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get OffsetY
* @return int
public function getOffsetY() {
return $this->_offsetY;
* Set OffsetY
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setOffsetY($pValue = 0) {
$this->_offsetY = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Width
* @return int
public function getWidth() {
return $this->_width;
* Set Width
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setWidth($pValue = 0) {
// Resize proportional?
if ($this->_resizeProportional && $pValue != 0) {
$ratio = $this->_height / ($this->_width != 0 ? $this->_width : 1);
$this->_height = round($ratio * $pValue);
// Set width
$this->_width = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Height
* @return int
public function getHeight() {
return $this->_height;
* Set Height
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setHeight($pValue = 0) {
// Resize proportional?
if ($this->_resizeProportional && $pValue != 0) {
$ratio = $this->_width / ($this->_height != 0 ? $this->_height : 1);
$this->_width = round($ratio * $pValue);
// Set height
$this->_height = $pValue;
return $this;
* Set width and height with proportional resize
* Example:
* <code>
* $objDrawing->setResizeProportional(true);
* $objDrawing->setWidthAndHeight(160,120);
* </code>
* @author Vincent@luo
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setWidthAndHeight($width = 0, $height = 0) {
$xratio = $width / ($this->_width != 0 ? $this->_width : 1);
$yratio = $height / ($this->_height != 0 ? $this->_height : 1);
if ($this->_resizeProportional && !($width == 0 || $height == 0)) {
if (($xratio * $this->_height) < $height) {
$this->_height = ceil($xratio * $this->_height);
$this->_width = $width;
} else {
$this->_width = ceil($yratio * $this->_width);
$this->_height = $height;
} else {
$this->_width = $width;
$this->_height = $height;
return $this;
* Get ResizeProportional
* @return boolean
public function getResizeProportional() {
return $this->_resizeProportional;
* Set ResizeProportional
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setResizeProportional($pValue = true) {
$this->_resizeProportional = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Rotation
* @return int
public function getRotation() {
return $this->_rotation;
* Set Rotation
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setRotation($pValue = 0) {
$this->_rotation = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Shadow
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing_Shadow
public function getShadow() {
return $this->_shadow;
* Set Shadow
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing_Shadow $pValue
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setShadow(PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing_Shadow $pValue = null) {
$this->_shadow = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get hash code
* @return string Hash code
public function getHashCode() {
return md5(
. $this->_description
. $this->_worksheet->getHashCode()
. $this->_coordinates
. $this->_offsetX
. $this->_offsetY
. $this->_width
. $this->_height
. $this->_rotation
. $this->_shadow->getHashCode()
. __CLASS__
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
$this->$key = clone $value;
} else {
$this->$key = $value;

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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version 1.8.0, 2014-03-02
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_CellIterator
* Used to iterate rows in a PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
abstract class PHPExcel_Worksheet_CellIterator
* PHPExcel_Worksheet to iterate
* @var PHPExcel_Worksheet
protected $_subject;
* Current iterator position
* @var mixed
protected $_position = null;
* Iterate only existing cells
* @var boolean
protected $_onlyExistingCells = false;
* Destructor
public function __destruct() {
* Get loop only existing cells
* @return boolean
public function getIterateOnlyExistingCells() {
return $this->_onlyExistingCells;
* Validate start/end values for "IterateOnlyExistingCells" mode, and adjust if necessary
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
abstract protected function adjustForExistingOnlyRange();
* Set the iterator to loop only existing cells
* @param boolean $value
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function setIterateOnlyExistingCells($value = true) {
$this->_onlyExistingCells = (boolean) $value;

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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_Column
* Represents a column in PHPExcel_Worksheet, used by PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnIterator
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_Column
* PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @var PHPExcel_Worksheet
private $_parent;
* Column index
* @var string
private $_columnIndex;
* Create a new column
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $parent
* @param string $columnIndex
public function __construct(PHPExcel_Worksheet $parent = null, $columnIndex = 'A') {
// Set parent and column index
$this->_parent = $parent;
$this->_columnIndex = $columnIndex;
* Destructor
public function __destruct() {
* Get column index
* @return int
public function getColumnIndex() {
return $this->_columnIndex;
* Get cell iterator
* @param integer $startRow The row number at which to start iterating
* @param integer $endRow Optionally, the row number at which to stop iterating
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_CellIterator
public function getCellIterator($startRow = 1, $endRow = null) {
return new PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnCellIterator($this->_parent, $this->_columnIndex, $startRow, $endRow);

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@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnCellIterator
* Used to iterate columns in a PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnCellIterator extends PHPExcel_Worksheet_CellIterator implements Iterator
* Column index
* @var string
protected $_columnIndex;
* Start position
* @var int
protected $_startRow = 1;
* End position
* @var int
protected $_endRow = 1;
* Create a new row iterator
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $subject The worksheet to iterate over
* @param string $columnIndex The column that we want to iterate
* @param integer $startRow The row number at which to start iterating
* @param integer $endRow Optionally, the row number at which to stop iterating
public function __construct(PHPExcel_Worksheet $subject = null, $columnIndex, $startRow = 1, $endRow = null) {
// Set subject
$this->_subject = $subject;
$this->_columnIndex = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($columnIndex) - 1;
* Destructor
public function __destruct() {
* (Re)Set the start row and the current row pointer
* @param integer $startRow The row number at which to start iterating
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnCellIterator
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function resetStart($startRow = 1) {
$this->_startRow = $startRow;
return $this;
* (Re)Set the end row
* @param integer $endRow The row number at which to stop iterating
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnCellIterator
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function resetEnd($endRow = null) {
$this->_endRow = ($endRow) ? $endRow : $this->_subject->getHighestRow();
return $this;
* Set the row pointer to the selected row
* @param integer $row The row number to set the current pointer at
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnCellIterator
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function seek($row = 1) {
if (($row < $this->_startRow) || ($row > $this->_endRow)) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Row $row is out of range ({$this->_startRow} - {$this->_endRow})");
} elseif ($this->_onlyExistingCells && !($this->_subject->cellExistsByColumnAndRow($this->_columnIndex, $row))) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('In "IterateOnlyExistingCells" mode and Cell does not exist');
$this->_position = $row;
return $this;
* Rewind the iterator to the starting row
public function rewind() {
$this->_position = $this->_startRow;
* Return the current cell in this worksheet column
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Row
public function current() {
return $this->_subject->getCellByColumnAndRow($this->_columnIndex, $this->_position);
* Return the current iterator key
* @return int
public function key() {
return $this->_position;
* Set the iterator to its next value
public function next() {
do {
} while (($this->_onlyExistingCells) &&
(!$this->_subject->cellExistsByColumnAndRow($this->_columnIndex, $this->_position)) &&
($this->_position <= $this->_endRow));
* Set the iterator to its previous value
public function prev() {
if ($this->_position <= $this->_startRow) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Row is already at the beginning of range ({$this->_startRow} - {$this->_endRow})");
do {
} while (($this->_onlyExistingCells) &&
(!$this->_subject->cellExistsByColumnAndRow($this->_columnIndex, $this->_position)) &&
($this->_position >= $this->_startRow));
* Indicate if more rows exist in the worksheet range of rows that we're iterating
* @return boolean
public function valid() {
return $this->_position <= $this->_endRow;
* Validate start/end values for "IterateOnlyExistingCells" mode, and adjust if necessary
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
protected function adjustForExistingOnlyRange() {
if ($this->_onlyExistingCells) {
while ((!$this->_subject->cellExistsByColumnAndRow($this->_columnIndex, $this->_startRow)) &&
($this->_startRow <= $this->_endRow)) {
if ($this->_startRow > $this->_endRow) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('No cells exist within the specified range');
while ((!$this->_subject->cellExistsByColumnAndRow($this->_columnIndex, $this->_endRow)) &&
($this->_endRow >= $this->_startRow)) {
if ($this->_endRow < $this->_startRow) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('No cells exist within the specified range');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnDimension
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnDimension
* Column index
* @var int
private $_columnIndex;
* Column width
* When this is set to a negative value, the column width should be ignored by IWriter
* @var double
private $_width = -1;
* Auto size?
* @var bool
private $_autoSize = false;
* Visible?
* @var bool
private $_visible = true;
* Outline level
* @var int
private $_outlineLevel = 0;
* Collapsed
* @var bool
private $_collapsed = false;
* Index to cellXf
* @var int
private $_xfIndex;
* Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnDimension
* @param string $pIndex Character column index
public function __construct($pIndex = 'A')
// Initialise values
$this->_columnIndex = $pIndex;
// set default index to cellXf
$this->_xfIndex = 0;
* Get ColumnIndex
* @return string
public function getColumnIndex() {
return $this->_columnIndex;
* Set ColumnIndex
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnDimension
public function setColumnIndex($pValue) {
$this->_columnIndex = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Width
* @return double
public function getWidth() {
return $this->_width;
* Set Width
* @param double $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnDimension
public function setWidth($pValue = -1) {
$this->_width = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Auto Size
* @return bool
public function getAutoSize() {
return $this->_autoSize;
* Set Auto Size
* @param bool $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnDimension
public function setAutoSize($pValue = false) {
$this->_autoSize = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Visible
* @return bool
public function getVisible() {
return $this->_visible;
* Set Visible
* @param bool $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnDimension
public function setVisible($pValue = true) {
$this->_visible = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Outline Level
* @return int
public function getOutlineLevel() {
return $this->_outlineLevel;
* Set Outline Level
* Value must be between 0 and 7
* @param int $pValue
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnDimension
public function setOutlineLevel($pValue) {
if ($pValue < 0 || $pValue > 7) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Outline level must range between 0 and 7.");
$this->_outlineLevel = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Collapsed
* @return bool
public function getCollapsed() {
return $this->_collapsed;
* Set Collapsed
* @param bool $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnDimension
public function setCollapsed($pValue = true) {
$this->_collapsed = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get index to cellXf
* @return int
public function getXfIndex()
return $this->_xfIndex;
* Set index to cellXf
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnDimension
public function setXfIndex($pValue = 0)
$this->_xfIndex = $pValue;
return $this;
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
$this->$key = clone $value;
} else {
$this->$key = $value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnIterator
* Used to iterate columns in a PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnIterator implements Iterator
* PHPExcel_Worksheet to iterate
* @var PHPExcel_Worksheet
private $_subject;
* Current iterator position
* @var int
private $_position = 0;
* Start position
* @var int
private $_startColumn = 0;
* End position
* @var int
private $_endColumn = 0;
* Create a new column iterator
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $subject The worksheet to iterate over
* @param string $startColumn The column address at which to start iterating
* @param string $endColumn Optionally, the column address at which to stop iterating
public function __construct(PHPExcel_Worksheet $subject = null, $startColumn = 'A', $endColumn = null) {
// Set subject
$this->_subject = $subject;
* Destructor
public function __destruct() {
* (Re)Set the start column and the current column pointer
* @param integer $startColumn The column address at which to start iterating
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnIterator
public function resetStart($startColumn = 'A') {
$startColumnIndex = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($startColumn) - 1;
$this->_startColumn = $startColumnIndex;
return $this;
* (Re)Set the end column
* @param string $endColumn The column address at which to stop iterating
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnIterator
public function resetEnd($endColumn = null) {
$endColumn = ($endColumn) ? $endColumn : $this->_subject->getHighestColumn();
$this->_endColumn = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($endColumn) - 1;
return $this;
* Set the column pointer to the selected column
* @param string $column The column address to set the current pointer at
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_ColumnIterator
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function seek($column = 'A') {
$column = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($column) - 1;
if (($column < $this->_startColumn) || ($column > $this->_endColumn)) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Column $column is out of range ({$this->_startColumn} - {$this->_endColumn})");
$this->_position = $column;
return $this;
* Rewind the iterator to the starting column
public function rewind() {
$this->_position = $this->_startColumn;
* Return the current column in this worksheet
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Column
public function current() {
return new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Column($this->_subject, PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($this->_position));
* Return the current iterator key
* @return string
public function key() {
return PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($this->_position);
* Set the iterator to its next value
public function next() {
* Set the iterator to its previous value
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function prev() {
if ($this->_position <= $this->_startColumn) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception(
"Column is already at the beginning of range (" .
PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($this->_endColumn) . " - " .
PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($this->_endColumn) . ")"
* Indicate if more columns exist in the worksheet range of columns that we're iterating
* @return boolean
public function valid() {
return $this->_position <= $this->_endColumn;

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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing extends PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing implements PHPExcel_IComparable
* Path
* @var string
private $_path;
* Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing
public function __construct()
// Initialise values
$this->_path = '';
// Initialize parent
* Get Filename
* @return string
public function getFilename() {
return basename($this->_path);
* Get indexed filename (using image index)
* @return string
public function getIndexedFilename() {
$fileName = $this->getFilename();
$fileName = str_replace(' ', '_', $fileName);
return str_replace('.' . $this->getExtension(), '', $fileName) . $this->getImageIndex() . '.' . $this->getExtension();
* Get Extension
* @return string
public function getExtension() {
$exploded = explode(".", basename($this->_path));
return $exploded[count($exploded) - 1];
* Get Path
* @return string
public function getPath() {
return $this->_path;
* Set Path
* @param string $pValue File path
* @param boolean $pVerifyFile Verify file
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing
public function setPath($pValue = '', $pVerifyFile = true) {
if ($pVerifyFile) {
if (file_exists($pValue)) {
$this->_path = $pValue;
if ($this->_width == 0 && $this->_height == 0) {
// Get width/height
list($this->_width, $this->_height) = getimagesize($pValue);
} else {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("File $pValue not found!");
} else {
$this->_path = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get hash code
* @return string Hash code
public function getHashCode() {
return md5(
. parent::getHashCode()
. __CLASS__
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
$this->$key = clone $value;
} else {
$this->$key = $value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
* <code>
* Header/Footer Formatting Syntax taken from Office Open XML Part 4 - Markup Language Reference, page 1970:
* There are a number of formatting codes that can be written inline with the actual header / footer text, which
* affect the formatting in the header or footer.
* Example: This example shows the text "Center Bold Header" on the first line (center section), and the date on
* the second line (center section).
* &CCenter &"-,Bold"Bold&"-,Regular"Header_x000A_&D
* General Rules:
* There is no required order in which these codes must appear.
* The first occurrence of the following codes turns the formatting ON, the second occurrence turns it OFF again:
* - strikethrough
* - superscript
* - subscript
* Superscript and subscript cannot both be ON at same time. Whichever comes first wins and the other is ignored,
* while the first is ON.
* &L - code for "left section" (there are three header / footer locations, "left", "center", and "right"). When
* two or more occurrences of this section marker exist, the contents from all markers are concatenated, in the
* order of appearance, and placed into the left section.
* &P - code for "current page #"
* &N - code for "total pages"
* &font size - code for "text font size", where font size is a font size in points.
* &K - code for "text font color"
* RGB Color is specified as RRGGBB
* Theme Color is specifed as TTSNN where TT is the theme color Id, S is either "+" or "-" of the tint/shade
* value, NN is the tint/shade value.
* &S - code for "text strikethrough" on / off
* &X - code for "text super script" on / off
* &Y - code for "text subscript" on / off
* &C - code for "center section". When two or more occurrences of this section marker exist, the contents
* from all markers are concatenated, in the order of appearance, and placed into the center section.
* &D - code for "date"
* &T - code for "time"
* &G - code for "picture as background"
* &U - code for "text single underline"
* &E - code for "double underline"
* &R - code for "right section". When two or more occurrences of this section marker exist, the contents
* from all markers are concatenated, in the order of appearance, and placed into the right section.
* &Z - code for "this workbook's file path"
* &F - code for "this workbook's file name"
* &A - code for "sheet tab name"
* &+ - code for add to page #.
* &- - code for subtract from page #.
* &"font name,font type" - code for "text font name" and "text font type", where font name and font type
* are strings specifying the name and type of the font, separated by a comma. When a hyphen appears in font
* name, it means "none specified". Both of font name and font type can be localized values.
* &"-,Bold" - code for "bold font style"
* &B - also means "bold font style".
* &"-,Regular" - code for "regular font style"
* &"-,Italic" - code for "italic font style"
* &I - also means "italic font style"
* &"-,Bold Italic" code for "bold italic font style"
* &O - code for "outline style"
* &H - code for "shadow style"
* </code>
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
/* Header/footer image location */
* OddHeader
* @var string
private $_oddHeader = '';
* OddFooter
* @var string
private $_oddFooter = '';
* EvenHeader
* @var string
private $_evenHeader = '';
* EvenFooter
* @var string
private $_evenFooter = '';
* FirstHeader
* @var string
private $_firstHeader = '';
* FirstFooter
* @var string
private $_firstFooter = '';
* Different header for Odd/Even, defaults to false
* @var boolean
private $_differentOddEven = false;
* Different header for first page, defaults to false
* @var boolean
private $_differentFirst = false;
* Scale with document, defaults to true
* @var boolean
private $_scaleWithDocument = true;
* Align with margins, defaults to true
* @var boolean
private $_alignWithMargins = true;
* Header/footer images
* @var PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing[]
private $_headerFooterImages = array();
* Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function __construct()
* Get OddHeader
* @return string
public function getOddHeader() {
return $this->_oddHeader;
* Set OddHeader
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function setOddHeader($pValue) {
$this->_oddHeader = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get OddFooter
* @return string
public function getOddFooter() {
return $this->_oddFooter;
* Set OddFooter
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function setOddFooter($pValue) {
$this->_oddFooter = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get EvenHeader
* @return string
public function getEvenHeader() {
return $this->_evenHeader;
* Set EvenHeader
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function setEvenHeader($pValue) {
$this->_evenHeader = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get EvenFooter
* @return string
public function getEvenFooter() {
return $this->_evenFooter;
* Set EvenFooter
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function setEvenFooter($pValue) {
$this->_evenFooter = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get FirstHeader
* @return string
public function getFirstHeader() {
return $this->_firstHeader;
* Set FirstHeader
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function setFirstHeader($pValue) {
$this->_firstHeader = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get FirstFooter
* @return string
public function getFirstFooter() {
return $this->_firstFooter;
* Set FirstFooter
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function setFirstFooter($pValue) {
$this->_firstFooter = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get DifferentOddEven
* @return boolean
public function getDifferentOddEven() {
return $this->_differentOddEven;
* Set DifferentOddEven
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function setDifferentOddEven($pValue = false) {
$this->_differentOddEven = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get DifferentFirst
* @return boolean
public function getDifferentFirst() {
return $this->_differentFirst;
* Set DifferentFirst
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function setDifferentFirst($pValue = false) {
$this->_differentFirst = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get ScaleWithDocument
* @return boolean
public function getScaleWithDocument() {
return $this->_scaleWithDocument;
* Set ScaleWithDocument
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function setScaleWithDocument($pValue = true) {
$this->_scaleWithDocument = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get AlignWithMargins
* @return boolean
public function getAlignWithMargins() {
return $this->_alignWithMargins;
* Set AlignWithMargins
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function setAlignWithMargins($pValue = true) {
$this->_alignWithMargins = $pValue;
return $this;
* Add header/footer image
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing $image
* @param string $location
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function addImage(PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing $image = null, $location = self::IMAGE_HEADER_LEFT) {
$this->_headerFooterImages[$location] = $image;
return $this;
* Remove header/footer image
* @param string $location
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function removeImage($location = self::IMAGE_HEADER_LEFT) {
if (isset($this->_headerFooterImages[$location])) {
return $this;
* Set header/footer images
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing[] $images
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function setImages($images) {
if (!is_array($images)) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Invalid parameter!');
$this->_headerFooterImages = $images;
return $this;
* Get header/footer images
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing[]
public function getImages() {
// Sort array
$images = array();
if (isset($this->_headerFooterImages[self::IMAGE_HEADER_LEFT])) $images[self::IMAGE_HEADER_LEFT] = $this->_headerFooterImages[self::IMAGE_HEADER_LEFT];
if (isset($this->_headerFooterImages[self::IMAGE_HEADER_CENTER])) $images[self::IMAGE_HEADER_CENTER] = $this->_headerFooterImages[self::IMAGE_HEADER_CENTER];
if (isset($this->_headerFooterImages[self::IMAGE_HEADER_RIGHT])) $images[self::IMAGE_HEADER_RIGHT] = $this->_headerFooterImages[self::IMAGE_HEADER_RIGHT];
if (isset($this->_headerFooterImages[self::IMAGE_FOOTER_LEFT])) $images[self::IMAGE_FOOTER_LEFT] = $this->_headerFooterImages[self::IMAGE_FOOTER_LEFT];
if (isset($this->_headerFooterImages[self::IMAGE_FOOTER_CENTER])) $images[self::IMAGE_FOOTER_CENTER] = $this->_headerFooterImages[self::IMAGE_FOOTER_CENTER];
if (isset($this->_headerFooterImages[self::IMAGE_FOOTER_RIGHT])) $images[self::IMAGE_FOOTER_RIGHT] = $this->_headerFooterImages[self::IMAGE_FOOTER_RIGHT];
$this->_headerFooterImages = $images;
return $this->_headerFooterImages;
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
$this->$key = clone $value;
} else {
$this->$key = $value;

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@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing extends PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing implements PHPExcel_IComparable
* Path
* @var string
private $_path;
* Name
* @var string
protected $_name;
* Offset X
* @var int
protected $_offsetX;
* Offset Y
* @var int
protected $_offsetY;
* Width
* @var int
protected $_width;
* Height
* @var int
protected $_height;
* Proportional resize
* @var boolean
protected $_resizeProportional;
* Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing
public function __construct()
// Initialise values
$this->_path = '';
$this->_name = '';
$this->_offsetX = 0;
$this->_offsetY = 0;
$this->_width = 0;
$this->_height = 0;
$this->_resizeProportional = true;
* Get Name
* @return string
public function getName() {
return $this->_name;
* Set Name
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing
public function setName($pValue = '') {
$this->_name = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get OffsetX
* @return int
public function getOffsetX() {
return $this->_offsetX;
* Set OffsetX
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing
public function setOffsetX($pValue = 0) {
$this->_offsetX = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get OffsetY
* @return int
public function getOffsetY() {
return $this->_offsetY;
* Set OffsetY
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing
public function setOffsetY($pValue = 0) {
$this->_offsetY = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Width
* @return int
public function getWidth() {
return $this->_width;
* Set Width
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing
public function setWidth($pValue = 0) {
// Resize proportional?
if ($this->_resizeProportional && $pValue != 0) {
$ratio = $this->_width / $this->_height;
$this->_height = round($ratio * $pValue);
// Set width
$this->_width = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Height
* @return int
public function getHeight() {
return $this->_height;
* Set Height
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing
public function setHeight($pValue = 0) {
// Resize proportional?
if ($this->_resizeProportional && $pValue != 0) {
$ratio = $this->_width / $this->_height;
$this->_width = round($ratio * $pValue);
// Set height
$this->_height = $pValue;
return $this;
* Set width and height with proportional resize
* Example:
* <code>
* $objDrawing->setResizeProportional(true);
* $objDrawing->setWidthAndHeight(160,120);
* </code>
* @author Vincent@luo
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing
public function setWidthAndHeight($width = 0, $height = 0) {
$xratio = $width / $this->_width;
$yratio = $height / $this->_height;
if ($this->_resizeProportional && !($width == 0 || $height == 0)) {
if (($xratio * $this->_height) < $height) {
$this->_height = ceil($xratio * $this->_height);
$this->_width = $width;
} else {
$this->_width = ceil($yratio * $this->_width);
$this->_height = $height;
return $this;
* Get ResizeProportional
* @return boolean
public function getResizeProportional() {
return $this->_resizeProportional;
* Set ResizeProportional
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing
public function setResizeProportional($pValue = true) {
$this->_resizeProportional = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Filename
* @return string
public function getFilename() {
return basename($this->_path);
* Get Extension
* @return string
public function getExtension() {
$parts = explode(".", basename($this->_path));
return end($parts);
* Get Path
* @return string
public function getPath() {
return $this->_path;
* Set Path
* @param string $pValue File path
* @param boolean $pVerifyFile Verify file
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing
public function setPath($pValue = '', $pVerifyFile = true) {
if ($pVerifyFile) {
if (file_exists($pValue)) {
$this->_path = $pValue;
if ($this->_width == 0 && $this->_height == 0) {
// Get width/height
list($this->_width, $this->_height) = getimagesize($pValue);
} else {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("File $pValue not found!");
} else {
$this->_path = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get hash code
* @return string Hash code
public function getHashCode() {
return md5(
. $this->_name
. $this->_offsetX
. $this->_offsetY
. $this->_width
. $this->_height
. __CLASS__
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
$this->$key = clone $value;
} else {
$this->$key = $value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing extends PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing implements PHPExcel_IComparable
/* Rendering functions */
const RENDERING_DEFAULT = 'imagepng';
const RENDERING_PNG = 'imagepng';
const RENDERING_GIF = 'imagegif';
const RENDERING_JPEG = 'imagejpeg';
/* MIME types */
const MIMETYPE_DEFAULT = 'image/png';
const MIMETYPE_PNG = 'image/png';
const MIMETYPE_GIF = 'image/gif';
const MIMETYPE_JPEG = 'image/jpeg';
* Image resource
* @var resource
private $_imageResource;
* Rendering function
* @var string
private $_renderingFunction;
* Mime type
* @var string
private $_mimeType;
* Unique name
* @var string
private $_uniqueName;
* Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing
public function __construct()
// Initialise values
$this->_imageResource = null;
$this->_renderingFunction = self::RENDERING_DEFAULT;
$this->_mimeType = self::MIMETYPE_DEFAULT;
$this->_uniqueName = md5(rand(0, 9999). time() . rand(0, 9999));
// Initialize parent
* Get image resource
* @return resource
public function getImageResource() {
return $this->_imageResource;
* Set image resource
* @param $value resource
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing
public function setImageResource($value = null) {
$this->_imageResource = $value;
if (!is_null($this->_imageResource)) {
// Get width/height
$this->_width = imagesx($this->_imageResource);
$this->_height = imagesy($this->_imageResource);
return $this;
* Get rendering function
* @return string
public function getRenderingFunction() {
return $this->_renderingFunction;
* Set rendering function
* @param string $value
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing
public function setRenderingFunction($value = PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing::RENDERING_DEFAULT) {
$this->_renderingFunction = $value;
return $this;
* Get mime type
* @return string
public function getMimeType() {
return $this->_mimeType;
* Set mime type
* @param string $value
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing
public function setMimeType($value = PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing::MIMETYPE_DEFAULT) {
$this->_mimeType = $value;
return $this;
* Get indexed filename (using image index)
* @return string
public function getIndexedFilename() {
$extension = strtolower($this->getMimeType());
$extension = explode('/', $extension);
$extension = $extension[1];
return $this->_uniqueName . $this->getImageIndex() . '.' . $extension;
* Get hash code
* @return string Hash code
public function getHashCode() {
return md5(
. $this->_mimeType
. $this->_uniqueName
. parent::getHashCode()
. __CLASS__
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
$this->$key = clone $value;
} else {
$this->$key = $value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageMargins
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageMargins
* Left
* @var double
private $_left = 0.7;
* Right
* @var double
private $_right = 0.7;
* Top
* @var double
private $_top = 0.75;
* Bottom
* @var double
private $_bottom = 0.75;
* Header
* @var double
private $_header = 0.3;
* Footer
* @var double
private $_footer = 0.3;
* Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageMargins
public function __construct()
* Get Left
* @return double
public function getLeft() {
return $this->_left;
* Set Left
* @param double $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageMargins
public function setLeft($pValue) {
$this->_left = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Right
* @return double
public function getRight() {
return $this->_right;
* Set Right
* @param double $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageMargins
public function setRight($pValue) {
$this->_right = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Top
* @return double
public function getTop() {
return $this->_top;
* Set Top
* @param double $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageMargins
public function setTop($pValue) {
$this->_top = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Bottom
* @return double
public function getBottom() {
return $this->_bottom;
* Set Bottom
* @param double $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageMargins
public function setBottom($pValue) {
$this->_bottom = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Header
* @return double
public function getHeader() {
return $this->_header;
* Set Header
* @param double $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageMargins
public function setHeader($pValue) {
$this->_header = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Footer
* @return double
public function getFooter() {
return $this->_footer;
* Set Footer
* @param double $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageMargins
public function setFooter($pValue) {
$this->_footer = $pValue;
return $this;
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
$this->$key = clone $value;
} else {
$this->$key = $value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
* <code>
* Paper size taken from Office Open XML Part 4 - Markup Language Reference, page 1988:
* 1 = Letter paper (8.5 in. by 11 in.)
* 2 = Letter small paper (8.5 in. by 11 in.)
* 3 = Tabloid paper (11 in. by 17 in.)
* 4 = Ledger paper (17 in. by 11 in.)
* 5 = Legal paper (8.5 in. by 14 in.)
* 6 = Statement paper (5.5 in. by 8.5 in.)
* 7 = Executive paper (7.25 in. by 10.5 in.)
* 8 = A3 paper (297 mm by 420 mm)
* 9 = A4 paper (210 mm by 297 mm)
* 10 = A4 small paper (210 mm by 297 mm)
* 11 = A5 paper (148 mm by 210 mm)
* 12 = B4 paper (250 mm by 353 mm)
* 13 = B5 paper (176 mm by 250 mm)
* 14 = Folio paper (8.5 in. by 13 in.)
* 15 = Quarto paper (215 mm by 275 mm)
* 16 = Standard paper (10 in. by 14 in.)
* 17 = Standard paper (11 in. by 17 in.)
* 18 = Note paper (8.5 in. by 11 in.)
* 19 = #9 envelope (3.875 in. by 8.875 in.)
* 20 = #10 envelope (4.125 in. by 9.5 in.)
* 21 = #11 envelope (4.5 in. by 10.375 in.)
* 22 = #12 envelope (4.75 in. by 11 in.)
* 23 = #14 envelope (5 in. by 11.5 in.)
* 24 = C paper (17 in. by 22 in.)
* 25 = D paper (22 in. by 34 in.)
* 26 = E paper (34 in. by 44 in.)
* 27 = DL envelope (110 mm by 220 mm)
* 28 = C5 envelope (162 mm by 229 mm)
* 29 = C3 envelope (324 mm by 458 mm)
* 30 = C4 envelope (229 mm by 324 mm)
* 31 = C6 envelope (114 mm by 162 mm)
* 32 = C65 envelope (114 mm by 229 mm)
* 33 = B4 envelope (250 mm by 353 mm)
* 34 = B5 envelope (176 mm by 250 mm)
* 35 = B6 envelope (176 mm by 125 mm)
* 36 = Italy envelope (110 mm by 230 mm)
* 37 = Monarch envelope (3.875 in. by 7.5 in.).
* 38 = 6 3/4 envelope (3.625 in. by 6.5 in.)
* 39 = US standard fanfold (14.875 in. by 11 in.)
* 40 = German standard fanfold (8.5 in. by 12 in.)
* 41 = German legal fanfold (8.5 in. by 13 in.)
* 42 = ISO B4 (250 mm by 353 mm)
* 43 = Japanese double postcard (200 mm by 148 mm)
* 44 = Standard paper (9 in. by 11 in.)
* 45 = Standard paper (10 in. by 11 in.)
* 46 = Standard paper (15 in. by 11 in.)
* 47 = Invite envelope (220 mm by 220 mm)
* 50 = Letter extra paper (9.275 in. by 12 in.)
* 51 = Legal extra paper (9.275 in. by 15 in.)
* 52 = Tabloid extra paper (11.69 in. by 18 in.)
* 53 = A4 extra paper (236 mm by 322 mm)
* 54 = Letter transverse paper (8.275 in. by 11 in.)
* 55 = A4 transverse paper (210 mm by 297 mm)
* 56 = Letter extra transverse paper (9.275 in. by 12 in.)
* 57 = SuperA/SuperA/A4 paper (227 mm by 356 mm)
* 58 = SuperB/SuperB/A3 paper (305 mm by 487 mm)
* 59 = Letter plus paper (8.5 in. by 12.69 in.)
* 60 = A4 plus paper (210 mm by 330 mm)
* 61 = A5 transverse paper (148 mm by 210 mm)
* 62 = JIS B5 transverse paper (182 mm by 257 mm)
* 63 = A3 extra paper (322 mm by 445 mm)
* 64 = A5 extra paper (174 mm by 235 mm)
* 65 = ISO B5 extra paper (201 mm by 276 mm)
* 66 = A2 paper (420 mm by 594 mm)
* 67 = A3 transverse paper (297 mm by 420 mm)
* 68 = A3 extra transverse paper (322 mm by 445 mm)
* </code>
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
/* Paper size */
const PAPERSIZE_A3 = 8;
const PAPERSIZE_A4 = 9;
const PAPERSIZE_A4_SMALL = 10;
const PAPERSIZE_A5 = 11;
const PAPERSIZE_B4 = 12;
const PAPERSIZE_B5 = 13;
const PAPERSIZE_NOTE = 18;
const PAPERSIZE_C = 24;
const PAPERSIZE_D = 25;
const PAPERSIZE_E = 26;
const PAPERSIZE_6_3_4_ENVELOPE = 38;
const PAPERSIZE_ISO_B4 = 42;
const PAPERSIZE_A2_PAPER = 64;
/* Page orientation */
const ORIENTATION_DEFAULT = 'default';
const ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE = 'landscape';
const ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT = 'portrait';
/* Print Range Set Method */
* Paper size
* @var int
private $_paperSize = PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup::PAPERSIZE_LETTER;
* Orientation
* @var string
private $_orientation = PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup::ORIENTATION_DEFAULT;
* Scale (Print Scale)
* Print scaling. Valid values range from 10 to 400
* This setting is overridden when fitToWidth and/or fitToHeight are in use
* @var int?
private $_scale = 100;
* Fit To Page
* Whether scale or fitToWith / fitToHeight applies
* @var boolean
private $_fitToPage = FALSE;
* Fit To Height
* Number of vertical pages to fit on
* @var int?
private $_fitToHeight = 1;
* Fit To Width
* Number of horizontal pages to fit on
* @var int?
private $_fitToWidth = 1;
* Columns to repeat at left
* @var array Containing start column and end column, empty array if option unset
private $_columnsToRepeatAtLeft = array('', '');
* Rows to repeat at top
* @var array Containing start row number and end row number, empty array if option unset
private $_rowsToRepeatAtTop = array(0, 0);
* Center page horizontally
* @var boolean
private $_horizontalCentered = FALSE;
* Center page vertically
* @var boolean
private $_verticalCentered = FALSE;
* Print area
* @var string
private $_printArea = NULL;
* First page number
* @var int
private $_firstPageNumber = NULL;
* Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function __construct()
* Get Paper Size
* @return int
public function getPaperSize() {
return $this->_paperSize;
* Set Paper Size
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function setPaperSize($pValue = PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup::PAPERSIZE_LETTER) {
$this->_paperSize = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Orientation
* @return string
public function getOrientation() {
return $this->_orientation;
* Set Orientation
* @param string $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function setOrientation($pValue = PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup::ORIENTATION_DEFAULT) {
$this->_orientation = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Scale
* @return int?
public function getScale() {
return $this->_scale;
* Set Scale
* Print scaling. Valid values range from 10 to 400
* This setting is overridden when fitToWidth and/or fitToHeight are in use
* @param int? $pValue
* @param boolean $pUpdate Update fitToPage so scaling applies rather than fitToHeight / fitToWidth
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function setScale($pValue = 100, $pUpdate = true) {
// Microsoft Office Excel 2007 only allows setting a scale between 10 and 400 via the user interface,
// but it is apparently still able to handle any scale >= 0, where 0 results in 100
if (($pValue >= 0) || is_null($pValue)) {
$this->_scale = $pValue;
if ($pUpdate) {
$this->_fitToPage = false;
} else {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Scale must not be negative");
return $this;
* Get Fit To Page
* @return boolean
public function getFitToPage() {
return $this->_fitToPage;
* Set Fit To Page
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function setFitToPage($pValue = TRUE) {
$this->_fitToPage = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Fit To Height
* @return int?
public function getFitToHeight() {
return $this->_fitToHeight;
* Set Fit To Height
* @param int? $pValue
* @param boolean $pUpdate Update fitToPage so it applies rather than scaling
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function setFitToHeight($pValue = 1, $pUpdate = TRUE) {
$this->_fitToHeight = $pValue;
if ($pUpdate) {
$this->_fitToPage = TRUE;
return $this;
* Get Fit To Width
* @return int?
public function getFitToWidth() {
return $this->_fitToWidth;
* Set Fit To Width
* @param int? $pValue
* @param boolean $pUpdate Update fitToPage so it applies rather than scaling
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function setFitToWidth($pValue = 1, $pUpdate = TRUE) {
$this->_fitToWidth = $pValue;
if ($pUpdate) {
$this->_fitToPage = TRUE;
return $this;
* Is Columns to repeat at left set?
* @return boolean
public function isColumnsToRepeatAtLeftSet() {
if (is_array($this->_columnsToRepeatAtLeft)) {
if ($this->_columnsToRepeatAtLeft[0] != '' && $this->_columnsToRepeatAtLeft[1] != '') {
return true;
return false;
* Get Columns to repeat at left
* @return array Containing start column and end column, empty array if option unset
public function getColumnsToRepeatAtLeft() {
return $this->_columnsToRepeatAtLeft;
* Set Columns to repeat at left
* @param array $pValue Containing start column and end column, empty array if option unset
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function setColumnsToRepeatAtLeft($pValue = null) {
if (is_array($pValue)) {
$this->_columnsToRepeatAtLeft = $pValue;
return $this;
* Set Columns to repeat at left by start and end
* @param string $pStart
* @param string $pEnd
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function setColumnsToRepeatAtLeftByStartAndEnd($pStart = 'A', $pEnd = 'A') {
$this->_columnsToRepeatAtLeft = array($pStart, $pEnd);
return $this;
* Is Rows to repeat at top set?
* @return boolean
public function isRowsToRepeatAtTopSet() {
if (is_array($this->_rowsToRepeatAtTop)) {
if ($this->_rowsToRepeatAtTop[0] != 0 && $this->_rowsToRepeatAtTop[1] != 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Get Rows to repeat at top
* @return array Containing start column and end column, empty array if option unset
public function getRowsToRepeatAtTop() {
return $this->_rowsToRepeatAtTop;
* Set Rows to repeat at top
* @param array $pValue Containing start column and end column, empty array if option unset
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function setRowsToRepeatAtTop($pValue = null) {
if (is_array($pValue)) {
$this->_rowsToRepeatAtTop = $pValue;
return $this;
* Set Rows to repeat at top by start and end
* @param int $pStart
* @param int $pEnd
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function setRowsToRepeatAtTopByStartAndEnd($pStart = 1, $pEnd = 1) {
$this->_rowsToRepeatAtTop = array($pStart, $pEnd);
return $this;
* Get center page horizontally
* @return bool
public function getHorizontalCentered() {
return $this->_horizontalCentered;
* Set center page horizontally
* @param bool $value
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function setHorizontalCentered($value = false) {
$this->_horizontalCentered = $value;
return $this;
* Get center page vertically
* @return bool
public function getVerticalCentered() {
return $this->_verticalCentered;
* Set center page vertically
* @param bool $value
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function setVerticalCentered($value = false) {
$this->_verticalCentered = $value;
return $this;
* Get print area
* @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range if several ranges have been set
* Default behaviour, or a index value of 0, will return all ranges as a comma-separated string
* Otherwise, the specific range identified by the value of $index will be returned
* Print areas are numbered from 1
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return string
public function getPrintArea($index = 0) {
if ($index == 0) {
return $this->_printArea;
$printAreas = explode(',',$this->_printArea);
if (isset($printAreas[$index-1])) {
return $printAreas[$index-1];
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Requested Print Area does not exist");
* Is print area set?
* @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range if several ranges have been set
* Default behaviour, or an index value of 0, will identify whether any print range is set
* Otherwise, existence of the range identified by the value of $index will be returned
* Print areas are numbered from 1
* @return boolean
public function isPrintAreaSet($index = 0) {
if ($index == 0) {
return !is_null($this->_printArea);
$printAreas = explode(',',$this->_printArea);
return isset($printAreas[$index-1]);
* Clear a print area
* @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range if several ranges have been set
* Default behaviour, or an index value of 0, will clear all print ranges that are set
* Otherwise, the range identified by the value of $index will be removed from the series
* Print areas are numbered from 1
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function clearPrintArea($index = 0) {
if ($index == 0) {
$this->_printArea = NULL;
} else {
$printAreas = explode(',',$this->_printArea);
if (isset($printAreas[$index-1])) {
$this->_printArea = implode(',',$printAreas);
return $this;
* Set print area. e.g. 'A1:D10' or 'A1:D10,G5:M20'
* @param string $value
* @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range allowing several ranges to be set
* When the method is "O"verwrite, then a positive integer index will overwrite that indexed
* entry in the print areas list; a negative index value will identify which entry to
* overwrite working bacward through the print area to the list, with the last entry as -1.
* Specifying an index value of 0, will overwrite <b>all</b> existing print ranges.
* When the method is "I"nsert, then a positive index will insert after that indexed entry in
* the print areas list, while a negative index will insert before the indexed entry.
* Specifying an index value of 0, will always append the new print range at the end of the
* list.
* Print areas are numbered from 1
* @param string $method Determines the method used when setting multiple print areas
* Default behaviour, or the "O" method, overwrites existing print area
* The "I" method, inserts the new print area before any specified index, or at the end of the list
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function setPrintArea($value, $index = 0, $method = self::SETPRINTRANGE_OVERWRITE) {
if (strpos($value,'!') !== false) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cell coordinate must not specify a worksheet.');
} elseif (strpos($value,':') === false) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cell coordinate must be a range of cells.');
} elseif (strpos($value,'$') !== false) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cell coordinate must not be absolute.');
$value = strtoupper($value);
if ($method == self::SETPRINTRANGE_OVERWRITE) {
if ($index == 0) {
$this->_printArea = $value;
} else {
$printAreas = explode(',',$this->_printArea);
if($index < 0) {
$index = count($printAreas) - abs($index) + 1;
if (($index <= 0) || ($index > count($printAreas))) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Invalid index for setting print range.');
$printAreas[$index-1] = $value;
$this->_printArea = implode(',',$printAreas);
} elseif($method == self::SETPRINTRANGE_INSERT) {
if ($index == 0) {
$this->_printArea .= ($this->_printArea == '') ? $value : ','.$value;
} else {
$printAreas = explode(',',$this->_printArea);
if($index < 0) {
$index = abs($index) - 1;
if ($index > count($printAreas)) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Invalid index for setting print range.');
$printAreas = array_merge(array_slice($printAreas,0,$index),array($value),array_slice($printAreas,$index));
$this->_printArea = implode(',',$printAreas);
} else {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Invalid method for setting print range.');
return $this;
* Add a new print area (e.g. 'A1:D10' or 'A1:D10,G5:M20') to the list of print areas
* @param string $value
* @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range allowing several ranges to be set
* A positive index will insert after that indexed entry in the print areas list, while a
* negative index will insert before the indexed entry.
* Specifying an index value of 0, will always append the new print range at the end of the
* list.
* Print areas are numbered from 1
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function addPrintArea($value, $index = -1) {
return $this->setPrintArea($value, $index, self::SETPRINTRANGE_INSERT);
* Set print area
* @param int $column1 Column 1
* @param int $row1 Row 1
* @param int $column2 Column 2
* @param int $row2 Row 2
* @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range allowing several ranges to be set
* When the method is "O"verwrite, then a positive integer index will overwrite that indexed
* entry in the print areas list; a negative index value will identify which entry to
* overwrite working bacward through the print area to the list, with the last entry as -1.
* Specifying an index value of 0, will overwrite <b>all</b> existing print ranges.
* When the method is "I"nsert, then a positive index will insert after that indexed entry in
* the print areas list, while a negative index will insert before the indexed entry.
* Specifying an index value of 0, will always append the new print range at the end of the
* list.
* Print areas are numbered from 1
* @param string $method Determines the method used when setting multiple print areas
* Default behaviour, or the "O" method, overwrites existing print area
* The "I" method, inserts the new print area before any specified index, or at the end of the list
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function setPrintAreaByColumnAndRow($column1, $row1, $column2, $row2, $index = 0, $method = self::SETPRINTRANGE_OVERWRITE)
return $this->setPrintArea(PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column1) . $row1 . ':' . PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column2) . $row2, $index, $method);
* Add a new print area to the list of print areas
* @param int $column1 Start Column for the print area
* @param int $row1 Start Row for the print area
* @param int $column2 End Column for the print area
* @param int $row2 End Row for the print area
* @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range allowing several ranges to be set
* A positive index will insert after that indexed entry in the print areas list, while a
* negative index will insert before the indexed entry.
* Specifying an index value of 0, will always append the new print range at the end of the
* list.
* Print areas are numbered from 1
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function addPrintAreaByColumnAndRow($column1, $row1, $column2, $row2, $index = -1)
return $this->setPrintArea(PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column1) . $row1 . ':' . PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column2) . $row2, $index, self::SETPRINTRANGE_INSERT);
* Get first page number
* @return int
public function getFirstPageNumber() {
return $this->_firstPageNumber;
* Set first page number
* @param int $value
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function setFirstPageNumber($value = null) {
$this->_firstPageNumber = $value;
return $this;
* Reset first page number
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter
public function resetFirstPageNumber() {
return $this->setFirstPageNumber(null);
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
$this->$key = clone $value;
} else {
$this->$key = $value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
* Sheet
* @var boolean
private $_sheet = false;
* Objects
* @var boolean
private $_objects = false;
* Scenarios
* @var boolean
private $_scenarios = false;
* Format cells
* @var boolean
private $_formatCells = false;
* Format columns
* @var boolean
private $_formatColumns = false;
* Format rows
* @var boolean
private $_formatRows = false;
* Insert columns
* @var boolean
private $_insertColumns = false;
* Insert rows
* @var boolean
private $_insertRows = false;
* Insert hyperlinks
* @var boolean
private $_insertHyperlinks = false;
* Delete columns
* @var boolean
private $_deleteColumns = false;
* Delete rows
* @var boolean
private $_deleteRows = false;
* Select locked cells
* @var boolean
private $_selectLockedCells = false;
* Sort
* @var boolean
private $_sort = false;
* AutoFilter
* @var boolean
private $_autoFilter = false;
* Pivot tables
* @var boolean
private $_pivotTables = false;
* Select unlocked cells
* @var boolean
private $_selectUnlockedCells = false;
* Password
* @var string
private $_password = '';
* Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
public function __construct()
* Is some sort of protection enabled?
* @return boolean
function isProtectionEnabled() {
return $this->_sheet ||
$this->_objects ||
$this->_scenarios ||
$this->_formatCells ||
$this->_formatColumns ||
$this->_formatRows ||
$this->_insertColumns ||
$this->_insertRows ||
$this->_insertHyperlinks ||
$this->_deleteColumns ||
$this->_deleteRows ||
$this->_selectLockedCells ||
$this->_sort ||
$this->_autoFilter ||
$this->_pivotTables ||
* Get Sheet
* @return boolean
function getSheet() {
return $this->_sheet;
* Set Sheet
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setSheet($pValue = false) {
$this->_sheet = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Objects
* @return boolean
function getObjects() {
return $this->_objects;
* Set Objects
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setObjects($pValue = false) {
$this->_objects = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Scenarios
* @return boolean
function getScenarios() {
return $this->_scenarios;
* Set Scenarios
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setScenarios($pValue = false) {
$this->_scenarios = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get FormatCells
* @return boolean
function getFormatCells() {
return $this->_formatCells;
* Set FormatCells
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setFormatCells($pValue = false) {
$this->_formatCells = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get FormatColumns
* @return boolean
function getFormatColumns() {
return $this->_formatColumns;
* Set FormatColumns
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setFormatColumns($pValue = false) {
$this->_formatColumns = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get FormatRows
* @return boolean
function getFormatRows() {
return $this->_formatRows;
* Set FormatRows
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setFormatRows($pValue = false) {
$this->_formatRows = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get InsertColumns
* @return boolean
function getInsertColumns() {
return $this->_insertColumns;
* Set InsertColumns
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setInsertColumns($pValue = false) {
$this->_insertColumns = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get InsertRows
* @return boolean
function getInsertRows() {
return $this->_insertRows;
* Set InsertRows
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setInsertRows($pValue = false) {
$this->_insertRows = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get InsertHyperlinks
* @return boolean
function getInsertHyperlinks() {
return $this->_insertHyperlinks;
* Set InsertHyperlinks
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setInsertHyperlinks($pValue = false) {
$this->_insertHyperlinks = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get DeleteColumns
* @return boolean
function getDeleteColumns() {
return $this->_deleteColumns;
* Set DeleteColumns
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setDeleteColumns($pValue = false) {
$this->_deleteColumns = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get DeleteRows
* @return boolean
function getDeleteRows() {
return $this->_deleteRows;
* Set DeleteRows
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setDeleteRows($pValue = false) {
$this->_deleteRows = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get SelectLockedCells
* @return boolean
function getSelectLockedCells() {
return $this->_selectLockedCells;
* Set SelectLockedCells
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setSelectLockedCells($pValue = false) {
$this->_selectLockedCells = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Sort
* @return boolean
function getSort() {
return $this->_sort;
* Set Sort
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setSort($pValue = false) {
$this->_sort = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get AutoFilter
* @return boolean
function getAutoFilter() {
return $this->_autoFilter;
* Set AutoFilter
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setAutoFilter($pValue = false) {
$this->_autoFilter = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get PivotTables
* @return boolean
function getPivotTables() {
return $this->_pivotTables;
* Set PivotTables
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setPivotTables($pValue = false) {
$this->_pivotTables = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get SelectUnlockedCells
* @return boolean
function getSelectUnlockedCells() {
return $this->_selectUnlockedCells;
* Set SelectUnlockedCells
* @param boolean $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setSelectUnlockedCells($pValue = false) {
$this->_selectUnlockedCells = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Password (hashed)
* @return string
function getPassword() {
return $this->_password;
* Set Password
* @param string $pValue
* @param boolean $pAlreadyHashed If the password has already been hashed, set this to true
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Protection
function setPassword($pValue = '', $pAlreadyHashed = false) {
if (!$pAlreadyHashed) {
$pValue = PHPExcel_Shared_PasswordHasher::hashPassword($pValue);
$this->_password = $pValue;
return $this;
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
$this->$key = clone $value;
} else {
$this->$key = $value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_Row
* Represents a row in PHPExcel_Worksheet, used by PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowIterator
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_Row
* PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @var PHPExcel_Worksheet
private $_parent;
* Row index
* @var int
private $_rowIndex = 0;
* Create a new row
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $parent
* @param int $rowIndex
public function __construct(PHPExcel_Worksheet $parent = null, $rowIndex = 1) {
// Set parent and row index
$this->_parent = $parent;
$this->_rowIndex = $rowIndex;
* Destructor
public function __destruct() {
* Get row index
* @return int
public function getRowIndex() {
return $this->_rowIndex;
* Get cell iterator
* @param string $startColumn The column address at which to start iterating
* @param string $endColumn Optionally, the column address at which to stop iterating
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_CellIterator
public function getCellIterator($startColumn = 'A', $endColumn = null) {
return new PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowCellIterator($this->_parent, $this->_rowIndex, $startColumn, $endColumn);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowCellIterator
* Used to iterate columns in a PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowCellIterator extends PHPExcel_Worksheet_CellIterator implements Iterator
* Row index
* @var int
protected $_rowIndex;
* Start position
* @var int
protected $_startColumn = 0;
* End position
* @var int
protected $_endColumn = 0;
* Create a new column iterator
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $subject The worksheet to iterate over
* @param integer $rowIndex The row that we want to iterate
* @param string $startColumn The column address at which to start iterating
* @param string $endColumn Optionally, the column address at which to stop iterating
public function __construct(PHPExcel_Worksheet $subject = null, $rowIndex = 1, $startColumn = 'A', $endColumn = null) {
// Set subject and row index
$this->_subject = $subject;
$this->_rowIndex = $rowIndex;
* Destructor
public function __destruct() {
* (Re)Set the start column and the current column pointer
* @param integer $startColumn The column address at which to start iterating
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowCellIterator
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function resetStart($startColumn = 'A') {
$startColumnIndex = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($startColumn) - 1;
$this->_startColumn = $startColumnIndex;
return $this;
* (Re)Set the end column
* @param string $endColumn The column address at which to stop iterating
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowCellIterator
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function resetEnd($endColumn = null) {
$endColumn = ($endColumn) ? $endColumn : $this->_subject->getHighestColumn();
$this->_endColumn = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($endColumn) - 1;
return $this;
* Set the column pointer to the selected column
* @param string $column The column address to set the current pointer at
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowCellIterator
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function seek($column = 'A') {
$column = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($column) - 1;
if (($column < $this->_startColumn) || ($column > $this->_endColumn)) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Column $column is out of range ({$this->_startColumn} - {$this->_endColumn})");
} elseif ($this->_onlyExistingCells && !($this->_subject->cellExistsByColumnAndRow($column, $this->_rowIndex))) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('In "IterateOnlyExistingCells" mode and Cell does not exist');
$this->_position = $column;
return $this;
* Rewind the iterator to the starting column
public function rewind() {
$this->_position = $this->_startColumn;
* Return the current cell in this worksheet row
* @return PHPExcel_Cell
public function current() {
return $this->_subject->getCellByColumnAndRow($this->_position, $this->_rowIndex);
* Return the current iterator key
* @return string
public function key() {
return PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($this->_position);
* Set the iterator to its next value
public function next() {
do {
} while (($this->_onlyExistingCells) &&
(!$this->_subject->cellExistsByColumnAndRow($this->_position, $this->_rowIndex)) &&
($this->_position <= $this->_endColumn));
* Set the iterator to its previous value
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function prev() {
if ($this->_position <= $this->_startColumn) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception(
"Column is already at the beginning of range (" .
PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($this->_endColumn) . " - " .
PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($this->_endColumn) . ")"
do {
} while (($this->_onlyExistingCells) &&
(!$this->_subject->cellExistsByColumnAndRow($this->_position, $this->_rowIndex)) &&
($this->_position >= $this->_startColumn));
* Indicate if more columns exist in the worksheet range of columns that we're iterating
* @return boolean
public function valid() {
return $this->_position <= $this->_endColumn;
* Validate start/end values for "IterateOnlyExistingCells" mode, and adjust if necessary
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
protected function adjustForExistingOnlyRange() {
if ($this->_onlyExistingCells) {
while ((!$this->_subject->cellExistsByColumnAndRow($this->_startColumn, $this->_rowIndex)) &&
($this->_startColumn <= $this->_endColumn)) {
if ($this->_startColumn > $this->_endColumn) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('No cells exist within the specified range');
while ((!$this->_subject->cellExistsByColumnAndRow($this->_endColumn, $this->_rowIndex)) &&
($this->_endColumn >= $this->_startColumn)) {
if ($this->_endColumn < $this->_startColumn) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception('No cells exist within the specified range');

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@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowDimension
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowDimension
* Row index
* @var int
private $_rowIndex;
* Row height (in pt)
* When this is set to a negative value, the row height should be ignored by IWriter
* @var double
private $_rowHeight = -1;
* ZeroHeight for Row?
* @var bool
private $_zeroHeight = false;
* Visible?
* @var bool
private $_visible = true;
* Outline level
* @var int
private $_outlineLevel = 0;
* Collapsed
* @var bool
private $_collapsed = false;
* Index to cellXf. Null value means row has no explicit cellXf format.
* @var int|null
private $_xfIndex;
* Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowDimension
* @param int $pIndex Numeric row index
public function __construct($pIndex = 0)
// Initialise values
$this->_rowIndex = $pIndex;
// set row dimension as unformatted by default
$this->_xfIndex = null;
* Get Row Index
* @return int
public function getRowIndex() {
return $this->_rowIndex;
* Set Row Index
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowDimension
public function setRowIndex($pValue) {
$this->_rowIndex = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Row Height
* @return double
public function getRowHeight() {
return $this->_rowHeight;
* Set Row Height
* @param double $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowDimension
public function setRowHeight($pValue = -1) {
$this->_rowHeight = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get ZeroHeight
* @return bool
public function getZeroHeight() {
return $this->_zeroHeight;
* Set ZeroHeight
* @param bool $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowDimension
public function setZeroHeight($pValue = false) {
$this->_zeroHeight = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Visible
* @return bool
public function getVisible() {
return $this->_visible;
* Set Visible
* @param bool $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowDimension
public function setVisible($pValue = true) {
$this->_visible = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Outline Level
* @return int
public function getOutlineLevel() {
return $this->_outlineLevel;
* Set Outline Level
* Value must be between 0 and 7
* @param int $pValue
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowDimension
public function setOutlineLevel($pValue) {
if ($pValue < 0 || $pValue > 7) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Outline level must range between 0 and 7.");
$this->_outlineLevel = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get Collapsed
* @return bool
public function getCollapsed() {
return $this->_collapsed;
* Set Collapsed
* @param bool $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowDimension
public function setCollapsed($pValue = true) {
$this->_collapsed = $pValue;
return $this;
* Get index to cellXf
* @return int
public function getXfIndex()
return $this->_xfIndex;
* Set index to cellXf
* @param int $pValue
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowDimension
public function setXfIndex($pValue = 0)
$this->_xfIndex = $pValue;
return $this;
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
$this->$key = clone $value;
} else {
$this->$key = $value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowIterator
* Used to iterate rows in a PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowIterator implements Iterator
* PHPExcel_Worksheet to iterate
* @var PHPExcel_Worksheet
private $_subject;
* Current iterator position
* @var int
private $_position = 1;
* Start position
* @var int
private $_startRow = 1;
* End position
* @var int
private $_endRow = 1;
* Create a new row iterator
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $subject The worksheet to iterate over
* @param integer $startRow The row number at which to start iterating
* @param integer $endRow Optionally, the row number at which to stop iterating
public function __construct(PHPExcel_Worksheet $subject = null, $startRow = 1, $endRow = null) {
// Set subject
$this->_subject = $subject;
* Destructor
public function __destruct() {
* (Re)Set the start row and the current row pointer
* @param integer $startRow The row number at which to start iterating
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowIterator
public function resetStart($startRow = 1) {
$this->_startRow = $startRow;
return $this;
* (Re)Set the end row
* @param integer $endRow The row number at which to stop iterating
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowIterator
public function resetEnd($endRow = null) {
$this->_endRow = ($endRow) ? $endRow : $this->_subject->getHighestRow();
return $this;
* Set the row pointer to the selected row
* @param integer $row The row number to set the current pointer at
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowIterator
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function seek($row = 1) {
if (($row < $this->_startRow) || ($row > $this->_endRow)) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Row $row is out of range ({$this->_startRow} - {$this->_endRow})");
$this->_position = $row;
return $this;
* Rewind the iterator to the starting row
public function rewind() {
$this->_position = $this->_startRow;
* Return the current row in this worksheet
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_Row
public function current() {
return new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Row($this->_subject, $this->_position);
* Return the current iterator key
* @return int
public function key() {
return $this->_position;
* Set the iterator to its next value
public function next() {
* Set the iterator to its previous value
public function prev() {
if ($this->_position <= $this->_startRow) {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Row is already at the beginning of range ({$this->_startRow} - {$this->_endRow})");
* Indicate if more rows exist in the worksheet range of rows that we're iterating
* @return boolean
public function valid() {
return $this->_position <= $this->_endRow;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
* PHPExcel_Worksheet_SheetView
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
class PHPExcel_Worksheet_SheetView
/* Sheet View types */
const SHEETVIEW_NORMAL = 'normal';
const SHEETVIEW_PAGE_LAYOUT = 'pageLayout';
const SHEETVIEW_PAGE_BREAK_PREVIEW = 'pageBreakPreview';
private static $_sheetViewTypes = array(
* ZoomScale
* Valid values range from 10 to 400.
* @var int
private $_zoomScale = 100;
* ZoomScaleNormal
* Valid values range from 10 to 400.
* @var int
private $_zoomScaleNormal = 100;
* View
* Valid values range from 10 to 400.
* @var string
private $_sheetviewType = self::SHEETVIEW_NORMAL;
* Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_SheetView
public function __construct()
* Get ZoomScale
* @return int
public function getZoomScale() {
return $this->_zoomScale;
* Set ZoomScale
* Valid values range from 10 to 400.
* @param int $pValue
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_SheetView
public function setZoomScale($pValue = 100) {
// Microsoft Office Excel 2007 only allows setting a scale between 10 and 400 via the user interface,
// but it is apparently still able to handle any scale >= 1
if (($pValue >= 1) || is_null($pValue)) {
$this->_zoomScale = $pValue;
} else {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Scale must be greater than or equal to 1.");
return $this;
* Get ZoomScaleNormal
* @return int
public function getZoomScaleNormal() {
return $this->_zoomScaleNormal;
* Set ZoomScale
* Valid values range from 10 to 400.
* @param int $pValue
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_SheetView
public function setZoomScaleNormal($pValue = 100) {
if (($pValue >= 1) || is_null($pValue)) {
$this->_zoomScaleNormal = $pValue;
} else {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Scale must be greater than or equal to 1.");
return $this;
* Get View
* @return string
public function getView() {
return $this->_sheetviewType;
* Set View
* Valid values are
* 'normal' self::SHEETVIEW_NORMAL
* 'pageLayout' self::SHEETVIEW_PAGE_LAYOUT
* 'pageBreakPreview' self::SHEETVIEW_PAGE_BREAK_PREVIEW
* @param string $pValue
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_SheetView
public function setView($pValue = NULL) {
// MS Excel 2007 allows setting the view to 'normal', 'pageLayout' or 'pageBreakPreview'
// via the user interface
if ($pValue === NULL)
$pValue = self::SHEETVIEW_NORMAL;
if (in_array($pValue, self::$_sheetViewTypes)) {
$this->_sheetviewType = $pValue;
} else {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Invalid sheetview layout type.");
return $this;
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
public function __clone() {
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
$this->$key = clone $value;
} else {
$this->$key = $value;