
148 lines
4.8 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

const Discord = require("discord.js")
module.exports = {
name: 'embedgen',
aliases: ["emb"],
description: 'embed Generator',
category: "info",
run: async (client, message, args) => {
try {
const filter = msg => msg.author.id == message.author.id;
const options = {
max: 1
// Getting Started
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed();
message.channel.send("Reply `skip` or `no` for next question, Reply `cancel` to stop the command.");
// Getting Title
message.channel.send("So, Do you want your embed to have any title?");
let title = await message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, options);
if (title.first().content == 'cancel') return message.channel.send('Embed Generator Cancelled.')
if (title.first().content !== 'skip' && title.first().content !== 'cancel') embed.setTitle(title.first().content);
// Getting Description
message.channel.send("great, now o you want your embed to have any Description?");
let Description = await message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, options);
if (Description.first().content == 'cancel') return message.channel.send('Embed Generator Cancelled.')
if (Description.first().content !== 'skip' && Description.first().content !== 'cancel') embed.setDescription(Description.first().content);
// Getting Footer
message.channel.send("So, Do you want your embed to have any Footer?");
let Footer = await message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, options);
if (Footer.first().content == 'cancel') return message.channel.send('Embed Generator Cancelled. ')
if (Footer.first().content !== 'skip' && Footer.first().content !== 'cancel') embed.setFooter(Footer.first().content);
// Getting URL
if (title.first().content !== 'skip' && title.first().content !== 'cancel') {
message.channel.send("So, Do you want your embed to have any masked link on title?, say `no` if you do not have set title");
let URL = await message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, options);
if (URL.first().content == 'cancel') return message.channel.send('Embed Generator Cancelled.')
if (URL.first().content !== 'skip' && URL.first().content !== 'cancel') embed.setURL(URL.first().content);
// Getting Color
message.channel.send("So, Do you want your embed to have any specifci color? Default is Black");
let Color = await message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, options);
if (Color.first().content == 'cancel') return message.channel.send('Embed Generator Cancelled.')
if (Color.first().content !== 'skip' && Color.first().content !== 'cancel') embed.setColor(Color.first().content.toUpperCase() || "2f3136")
// Getting Author Field
message.channel.send("So, Do you want your embed to have any Author Field?");
let Author = await message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, options);
if (Author.first().content == 'cancel') return message.channel.send('Embed Generator Cancelled.')
if (Author.first().content !== 'skip' && Author.first().content !== 'cancel') embed.setAuthor(Author.first().content);
// Getting TimeStamp
message.channel.send("So, Do you want your embed to have any TimeStamp? Reply `yes` or `no`");
let TimeStamp = await message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, options);
if (TimeStamp.first().content == 'cancel') return message.channel.send('Embed Generator Cancelled.')
if (TimeStamp.first().content !== 'yes') embed.setTimestamp();
} catch (error) {