const express = require('express') const app = express(); const port = 3000 app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Bot ist online!!')) app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Ihr BOT hΓΆrt auf http://localhost:${port}`) ); require("dotenv").config(); "$TOEKN" // if you need help ask in the help channel dont dm me const guildDB = require("./mongo/guildDB"); const { default_prefix } = require("./config.json") const fetch = require("node-fetch"); const db =require("quick.db"); const moment = require("moment"); const { CanvasSenpai } = require("canvas-senpai") const canva = new CanvasSenpai(); const { emotes , emoji} =require("./config.json") const { MessageMenuOption, MessageMenu } = require("discord-buttons") const DiscordButtons = require('discord-buttons'); const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js') const discord = require("discord.js"); const client = new discord.Client({ disableEveryone: false }); const button = require('discord-buttons'); const disbut = require("discord-buttons") const colors = require('./colors.json') const yts = require('yt-search') client.queue = new Map(); = new Map(); const { ready } = require("./handlers/ready.js") require("./database.js"); client.commands = new discord.Collection(); client.aliases = new discord.Collection(); ["command"].forEach(handler => { require(`./handlers/${handler}`)(client); }); client.queue = new Map() process.on('unhandledRejection', console.error); client.on("message", async message => { const prefixMention = new RegExp(`^<@!?${}>( |)$`); if (message.content.match(prefixMention)) { return message.reply(`My prefix is \`${default_prefix}\``); } if ( return; if (!message.guild) return; if (!message.content.startsWith(default_prefix)) return; if (!message.member) message.member = message.guild.fetchMember(message); const args = message.content .slice(default_prefix.length) .trim() .split(/ +/g); const cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase(); if (cmd.length === 0) return; let command = client.commands.get(cmd); if (!command) command = client.commands.get(client.aliases.get(cmd)); if (command), message, args); }); /*client.on("guildMemberAdd", async member => { try { let chx = db.get(`welchannel_${}`); if (chx === null) { return; } let data = await canva.welcome(member, { link: "",blur: false }) const attachment = new discord.MessageAttachment( data, "welcome-image.png" ); client.channels.cache.get(chx).send(`Welcome to ${}, Server ${member.user}\nYou are our ${member.guild.memberCount}th Member. Enjoy `, attachment);*/ client.on("guildMemberAdd", async (member) => { try { console.log('test') let data = await guildDB.find({ guild: }); var channel = => { return [ `${}` ]}) console.log(channel) if (!channel) return console.log('kein Kanal') // i think i almost got it right console.log('test') let message = => { return [ `${guildDB.message}` ]}); console.log('test') if (!message) message = "[member:mention] Willkommen bei [guild:name]"; console.log(channel) console.log(message) //let mes = message.replace(/`?\[member:mention]`?/g, member.user).replace(/`?\[guild:name]`?/g,`?\[guild:membercount]`?/g, member.guild.members.cache.size) let guildCh = client.guilds.cache.get( let f = await guildCh.channels.cache.get(channel).send(message); console.log(f) setTimeout(async () => { await f.delete(); }, 1000); client.channels.cache.get(chx).send("Willkommen auf unserem Server " + member.user.username, attachment); } catch (e) { console.log(e) } }); client.on("guildMemberAdd", async (member) => { let LoggingChannel = await db.get(`LoggingChannel_${}`); if (!LoggingChannel)return console.log(`Einrichtung in ${} alias ${} Gilde (Kanal nicht gefunden)`); //getting notify role let notifyRole = await db.get(`notifyRole_${}`); if (!notifyRole)return console.log(`Setup Is Not Done in ${} aka ${} Guild (role not found)`); //to get created date in days format let x = - member.user.createdAt; let created = Math.floor(x / 86400000); //creation date let creationDate = moment .utc(member.user.createdAt) .format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, HH:mm:ss"); //joindate let joiningDate = moment .utc(member.joinedAt) .format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, HH:mm:ss"); //joinposition let joinPosition = member.guild.memberCount //altdate let AltAge = await db.get(`altAge_${}`) if (!AltAge) return db.set(`altAge_${}`, 31) //only sends message when alt found if (created < AltAge) { //embed let altEmbed = //main alt message new Discord.MessageEmbed().setTitle("Alt Found!").setColor("RANDOM").setFooter("Bot von M_Viper#8085") .setDescription(` **__Alt Name__**: ${member.user} (${member.user.username}) **__ID__**: ${} **__Account Created__**: ${created} days ago **__Account Creation Date__**: ${creationDate} **__Join Position__**: ${joinPosition} **__Join Date__**: ${joiningDate} `); member.guild.channels.cache.get(LoggingChannel).send(`__Notification:__ <@&${notifyRole}>`, altEmbed); let AutoKick = await db.fetch(`AutoKick_${}`); if (!AutoKick)return console.log(`Setup Is Not Done in ${} aka ${} Guild (AutoKick Isn't Enabled)`); let AutoKickAge = await db.get(`AutokickAge_${}`) if (!AutoKickAge) return db.set(`AutokickAge_${}`, 8) if (AutoKick === true) { let checking = await db.get(`WhiteListed_${}`) if (checking === { let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`Auto Kick System Stucked On`) .setDescription(` **__NAME__** - ${member.user} (${member.user.username}) **__KICKED__** - NO **__REASON__** - WhiteListed User`) .setColor("RANDM"); member.guild.channels.cache.get(LoggingChannel).send(embed) } else { if (created < AutoKickAge) { let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`Auto Kick System Kicked SomeOne`) .setDescription(` **__NAME__** - ${member.user} (${member.user.username}) **__ID__** - ${} **__KICKED FROM GUILD NAME__** - ${} **__KICKED REASON__** - ALT ( Created ${created} Days Ago) `) .setColor('RANDOM') member.kick() console.log(`kicked`) member.guild.channels.cache.get(LoggingChannel).send(embed) } } } else { console.log(`Autokick ist Disabled in ${}`) } } } ) client.on("message", async message => { if ( == "chatbot") { if ( return; message.content = message.content.replace(/@(everyone)/gi, "everyone").replace(/@(here)/gi, "here"); if (message.content.includes(`@`)) { return`**:x: Bitte erwΓ€hne niemanden**`); }; if (!message.content) return"Bitte sag was."); fetch(`${encodeURIComponent(message.content)}&botname=${client.user.username}&ownername=npg`) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => {`> ${message.content} \n <@${}> ${data.message}`); });; } }); client.snipes = new Map() client.on('messageDelete', function(message, channel){ client.snipes.set(, { content:message.content,, image:message.attachments.first() ? message.attachments.first().proxyURL : null }) }) const { GiveawaysManager } = require("discord-giveaways"); const manager = new GiveawaysManager(client, { storage: "./handlers/giveaways.json", updateCountdownEvery: 10000, default: { botsCanWin: false, exemptPermissions: [ "MANAGE_MESSAGES", "ADMINISTRATOR" ], embedColor: "#FF0000", reaction: "πŸŽ‰" } }); client.giveawaysManager = manager; client.on("message", async message => { if(!message.guild) return; let prefix = db.get(`default_prefix${}`) if(prefix === null) prefix =default_prefix; if(!message.content.startsWith(default_prefix)) return; }) client.on("ready", () => { client.user.setStatus("online"); console.log("Bot ist online!!") }); client.on client.on("ready", () => { client.user.setActivity("$help", { type: "WATCHING"}) }) const { Player } = require("discord-music-player"); const player = new Player(client, { leaveOnEmpty: false, }); client.player = player; new Player(client, { leaveOnEnd: true, leaveOnStop: true, leaveOnEmpty: true, timeout: 10, volume: 150, quality: 'high', }); const fs = require('fs') client.on('guildCreate', guild =>{ const channelId = '841994461126197248'; //put your channel ID here const channel = client.channels.cache.get(channelId); if(!channel) return; //If the channel is invalid it returns const embed = new discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle('I Joined A Guild!') .setDescription(`**Guild Name:** ${} (${})\n**Members:** ${guild.memberCount}`) .setTimestamp() .setColor('RANDOM') .setFooter(`I'm in ${client.guilds.cache.size} Guilds Now!`); channel.send(embed); }); client.on('guildDelete', guild =>{ const channelId = '841994754399928341';//add your channel ID const channel = client.channels.cache.get(channelId); //This Gets That Channel if(!channel) return; //If the channel is invalid it returns const embed = new discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle('Ich habe einen Server verlassen!') .setDescription(`**Guild Name:** ${} (${})\n**Members:** ${guild.memberCount}`) .setTimestamp() .setColor('RED') .setFooter(`I'm in ${client.guilds.cache.size} Guilds Now!`); channel.send(embed); }); const smartestchatbot = require('smartestchatbot') const scb = new smartestchatbot.Client() client.on("message", async message => { if ( == "abotchat") { if ( return; message.content = message.content.replace(/@(everyone)/gi, "everyone").replace(/@(here)/gi, "here"); if (message.content.includes(`@`)) { return`**:x: Bitte erwΓ€hne niemanden**`); }; if (!message.content) return"Bitte sag was.");{message: message.content, name: client.user.username, owner:"M_Viper#8085", user:, language:"auto"}).then(reply => { message.inlineReply(`${reply}`); }); } }); require("./ExtendedMessage"); allowedMentions: { // set repliedUser value to `false` to turn off the mention by default repliedUser: true } let firstbutton = new disbut.MessageButton() .setLabel("π•Šπ•₯𝕖𝕑 πŸ™") .setStyle("blurple") .setID("firstbutton") let secondbutton = new disbut.MessageButton() .setLabel("π•Šπ•₯𝕖𝕑 𝟚") .setStyle("blurple") .setID("secondbutton") let thirdbutton = new disbut.MessageButton() .setLabel("π•Šπ•₯𝕖𝕑 πŸ›") .setStyle("blurple") .setID("thirdbutton") let row1 = new disbut.MessageActionRow() .addComponent(firstbutton) .addComponent(secondbutton) .addComponent(thirdbutton) const step1 = new MessageEmbed() .setColor("cccfff") .setTitle(" How to Use Uptimer!") .addField( "<:857122481088495629:873454677231034368> Get the link", "Our first step is to get the webpage link. You can find the code in the bottom or side of you screenshot below)! If you do not have this link, copy paste this code at the top of your `index.js` and run it again.\n ``````" ) .setImage("") const step3 = new MessageEmbed() .setColor("cccfff") .setTitle(" How to Use Uptimer!") .addField( "<:5286_three_emj_png:873453086981636127> Other Commands", "Now that we have added your project, you can use other command such as `projects` `remove` `stats` and `total`. Below Is an image of the remove command! " ) .setImage("") const step2 = new MessageEmbed() .setColor("cccfff") .setTitle(" How to Use Uptimer!") .addField( "<:4751_two_emj_png:873364919259627551> Run the command", "Our next step is to runn the command. The syntax of this command is `*add `. If done correcty the bot should give embed saying: ```:white_check_mark: Added Succesfully!``` See Screenshot Below For More details." ) .setImage(""); // Button Handler client.on("clickButton", async (button) => { if ( === "firstbutton") { button.message.edit({ embed: step1, component: row1, }); } else if ( === "secondbutton") { button.message.edit({ embed: step2, component: row1, }); } else if ( === "thirdbutton") { button.message.edit({ embed: step3, component: row1, }); } }) client.login(process.env.TOKEN);