Dateien nach "install-speedtest-tracker-2-on-docker" hochladen

This commit is contained in:
M_Viper 2024-02-12 21:26:50 +00:00
parent 9431675598
commit bda7dd9897
1 changed files with 44 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
version: "3.3" # Specifies the version of the Docker Compose file format
services: # Defines the services that make up the application
# Service: speedtest-tracker
container_name: speedtest-tracker # Name of the container, useful for referencing and managing the container
- "8080:80" # Maps port 8080 on the host to port 80 in the container; used for HTTP traffic
- "8443:443" # Maps port 8443 on the host to port 443 in the container; used for HTTPS traffic
environment: # Environment variables for the container, used to configure the container's software
- PUID=1000 # User ID for file permissions
- PGID=1000 # Group ID for file permissions
- DB_CONNECTION=mysql # Database connection type, indicating MySQL is used
- DB_HOST=db # Hostname of the database, linked to the db service
- DB_PORT=3306 # Port for the MySQL database
- DB_DATABASE=speedtest_tracker # Database name to be used
- DB_USERNAME=speedy # Database username
- DB_PASSWORD=password # Database password
- TZ=UTC # Timezone setting for the container; affects how time is reported
volumes: # Mounts host paths into the container, for persistent storage or sharing data
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" # Mounts the host's localtime as read-only for accurate time syncing
- "speedtest_tracker_config:/config" # Volume for storing configuration files
- "speedtest_tracker_web:/etc/ssl/web" # Volume for storing SSL certificates or web-related files
image: "" # Docker image to use, pulling the latest version
restart: unless-stopped # Container restart policy: restart if the container stops unexpectedly
depends_on: # Dependency setting, indicating that this service depends on the db service
- db # Ensures db service is started before speedtest-tracker
# Service: db (Database)
image: mariadb:10 # MariaDB image, version 10, used as the database server
restart: always # Restart policy: always restarts the container if it stops for any reason
environment: # Environment variables to configure MariaDB
- MARIADB_DATABASE=speedtest_tracker # Database to be created automatically
- MARIADB_USER=speedy # Username for the database, used by speedtest-tracker
- MARIADB_PASSWORD=password # Password for the database user
- MARIADB_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=true # Enables random password generation for the root user for security
volumes: # Mount for database storage, ensuring data persists across container restarts and removal
- speedtest_tracker_db:/var/lib/mysql # Maps the host directory to the container's database storage location
speedtest_tracker_config: # Named volume for storing configuration files
speedtest_tracker_web: # Named volume for storing SSL certificates or web-related files
speedtest_tracker_db: # Named volume for storing the database