# Define the version of Docker Compose being used. version: "3" # Define the services that will be managed by Docker Compose. services: # Configuration for the Baserow service. baserow: # Set the name of the Docker container. container_name: M_Viper-baserow # Use the specified Docker image for Baserow and specify its version. image: baserow/baserow:1.22.3 # Set environment variables for Baserow. environment: # Set the public URL for Baserow to use. BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL: "http://[DOCKGE_IP]:7300" # Map ports from the host machine to the Baserow container. ports: - "7300:80" # Map port 7300 on the host to port 80 in the container. - "7301:443" # Map port 7301 on the host to port 443 in the container. # Define volumes to persist data between container restarts. volumes: - baserow_data:/baserow/data # Define named volumes for data persistence. volumes: baserow_data: driver: local