version: "3.8" # Specifies the version of Docker Compose file format being used. services: uptime-kuma: image: louislam/uptime-kuma:1 # Specifies the Docker image to use for the 'uptime-kuma' service. container_name: uptime-kuma # Sets the name of the Docker container to 'uptime-kuma'. volumes: - uptime-kuma:/app/data # Mounts a volume named 'uptime-kuma' to the '/app/data' directory in the container. ports: - "3001:3001" # Maps port 3001 on the host to port 3001 on the container. restart: always # Specifies that the container should always be restarted if it stops unexpectedly. volumes: uptime-kuma: # Defines a named volume named 'uptime-kuma' that can be used to persist data between container restarts.