version: "3" # Use version 3 of the docker-compose file format # Service definitions for the big-bear-home-assistant application services: # Service name: app # The `app` service definition app: # Name of the container container_name: M_Viper-home-assistant # Image to be used for the container image: # Container restart policy restart: unless-stopped # Volumes to be mounted to the container volumes: # Mounting the local homeassistant_config directory to /config inside the container - homeassistant_config:/config # Mounting the local /etc/localtime to /etc/localtime inside the container - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro # Mounting the local /run/dbus to /run/dbus inside the container - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro # Network mode for the container network_mode: host # Define named volumes volumes: # Define a named volume. Docker manages the location on the host. homeassistant_config: # Define a named volume. Docker manages the location on the host. driver: local