version: "3" # Use version 3 of the docker-compose file format # Service definitions for the big-bear-immich application services: # Main Immich Server service configuration immich-server: container_name: immich-server # Name of the running container image: # Image to be used command: ["", "immich"] # Command to be executed upon container start ports: # Mapping ports from the host OS to the container - 2283:3001 volumes: # Mounting directories for persistent data storage - immich_upload:/usr/src/app/upload environment: # Setting environment variables DB_HOSTNAME: immich-postgres DB_USERNAME: dockge DB_PASSWORD: dockge DB_DATABASE_NAME: immich DB_PORT: 5432 REDIS_HOSTNAME: immich-redis IMMICH_MACHINE_LEARNING_URL: http://immich-machine-learning:3003 depends_on: # Dependencies to ensure the order of service startup - redis - database restart: always # Policy to always restart the container if it stops networks: - immich-network # Configuration for the Immich Microservices immich-microservices: container_name: immich-microservices # Name of the running container image: # Image to be used # extends: # Feature to use configuration from another service (currently commented out) # file: hwaccel.yml # service: hwaccel command: ["", "microservices"] # Command to be executed upon container start volumes: # Mounting directories for persistent data storage - immich_upload:/usr/src/app/upload environment: # Setting environment variables DB_HOSTNAME: immich-postgres DB_USERNAME: dockge DB_PASSWORD: dockge DB_DATABASE_NAME: immich DB_PORT: 5432 REDIS_HOSTNAME: immich-redis depends_on: # Dependencies to ensure the order of service startup - redis - database restart: always # Policy to always restart the container if it stops networks: - immich-network # Configuration for Immich Machine Learning service immich-machine-learning: container_name: immich-machine-learning # Name of the running container image: # Image to be used volumes: # Mounting directories for persistent data storage - immich_cache:/cache environment: # Setting environment variables DB_HOSTNAME: immich-postgres DB_USERNAME: dockge DB_PASSWORD: dockge DB_DATABASE_NAME: immich DB_PORT: 5432 REDIS_HOSTNAME: immich-redis restart: always # Policy to always restart the container if it stops networks: - immich-network # Configuration for Redis service redis: container_name: immich-redis # Name of the running container image: redis:6.2-alpine@sha256:70a7a5b641117670beae0d80658430853896b5ef269ccf00d1827427e3263fa3 # Image to be used restart: always # Policy to always restart the container if it stops networks: - immich-network # Configuration for Database service database: container_name: immich-postgres # Name of the running container image: tensorchord/pgvecto-rs:pg14-v0.1.11 # Image to be used environment: # Setting environment variables POSTGRES_PASSWORD: dockge POSTGRES_USER: dockge POSTGRES_DB: immich PG_DATA: /var/lib/postgresql/data volumes: # Mounting directories for persistent data storage - immich_postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data restart: always # Policy to always restart the container if it stops networks: - immich-network # Network definitions networks: # Define the network immich-network: # Use the bridge driver driver: bridge # Define named volumes for data persistence. volumes: # Define a named volume for Immich data. immich_cache: # Use the local storage driver. driver: local immich_upload: # Use the local storage driver. driver: local immich_postgres: # Use the local storage driver. driver: local