# Docker Compose version version: "3.8" # Service definitions for the big-bear-dockge application services: # Service name: app # The `app` service definition dockge: # Name of the container container_name: M_Viper-dockge # Image to be used for the container image: louislam/dockge:1 # Environment variables environment: # Tell Dockge where is your stacks directory DOCKGE_STACKS_DIR: "/opt/stacks" # Container restart policy restart: unless-stopped # Volumes to be mounted to the container volumes: # Mount the Docker socket - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # Mount the dockge_data volume to store app data - dockge_data:/app/data # Mount the stacks directory - /opt/stacks:/opt/stacks # Ports mapping between host and container ports: # Map port 5001 on the host to port 5001 in the container - 5001:5001 volumes: # Define the dockge_data volume with the local driver dockge_data: driver: local