
12 lines
784 B

version: "3.8" # Specifies the version of the Docker Compose file format
services: # Defines a set of services to be run together
pingvin-share: # Name of the service
image: stonith404/pingvin-share # Image to be used for this service
restart: unless-stopped # Service will always restart unless it's manually stopped
ports: # Port mapping between host and container
- 3000:3000 # Maps port 3000 on the host to port 3000 in the container
volumes: # Defines volume mounts for the service
- "/data/pingvin-share/data:/opt/app/backend/data" # Maps data directory from host to container's backend data directory
- "/data/pingvin-share/images:/opt/app/frontend/public/img" # Maps images directory from host to container's frontend public img directory