registerPlugin({ name: 'Advertising (Text)', version: '3.0.0', backends: ['ts3'], description: 'This script will announce one of the configured lines every x seconds.', author: 'SinusBot Team', // Michael Friese, Max Schmitt, Jonas Bögle vars: [{ name: 'ads', title: 'Ads (supports bbcode)', type: 'multiline', placeholder: 'Welcome to the best TS3-Server!' }, { name: 'interval', title: 'Interval (in seconds)', type: 'number', placeholder: '5', default: 5 }, { name: 'order', title: 'Order', type: 'select', options: [ 'line by line (default)', 'random' ], default: '0' }, { name: 'type', title: 'Broadcast-Type', type: 'select', options: [ 'Channel', 'Server' ], default: '0' }] }, (_, {ads, order, type, interval}) => { const backend = require('backend') const engine = require('engine') ads = ads ? ads.split('\n').map(line => line.trim().replace(/\r/g, '')) : [] if (ads.length === 0) { engine.log('There are no ads configured.') return } if (interval <= 3) { engine.log('The interval is too small, use a value bigger than 3 seconds.') return } const RANDOM = '1'; const SERVER = '1'; let index = -1 setInterval(() => { switch (order) { case RANDOM: index = Math.floor(Math.random() * ads.length) break default: index = (++index % ads.length) } switch (type) { case SERVER:[index]) break default: backend.getCurrentChannel().chat(ads[index]) } }, interval * 1000) })