registerPlugin({ name: 'Follow Me', version: '3.0.0', backends: ['ts3', 'discord'], description: 'The bot will follow the movements of any of the clients given', author: 'SinusBot Team', // Michael Friese, Max Schmitt, Jonas Bögle vars: [{ name: 'clientUids', title: 'Comma-separated list of client-UIDs that the bot should follow', type: 'string' }] }, (_, {clientUids}) => { const engine = require('engine') const backend = require('backend') const event = require('event') if (!clientUids) { engine.log('No client-UIDs set.') return } const uids = clientUids.trim().split(',') event.on('clientMove', ({ client, toChannel }) => { if (toChannel && uids.includes(client.uid())) { backend.getBotClient().moveTo(toChannel) } }) })