355 lines
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355 lines
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* This file is part of phpFastCache.
* @license MIT License (MIT)
* For full copyright and license information, please see the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
* @author Khoa Bui (khoaofgod) <khoaofgod@gmail.com> http://www.phpfastcache.com
* @author Georges.L (Geolim4) <contact@geolim4.com>
namespace phpFastCache\Core;
use phpFastCache\CacheManager;
use phpFastCache\Exceptions\phpFastCacheCoreException;
use phpFastCache\Exceptions\phpFastCacheDriverException;
* Class phpFastCache
* @package phpFastCache\Core
* Handle methods using annotations for IDE
* because they're handled by __call()
* Check out DriverInterface to see all
* the drivers methods magically implemented
* @method get() driver_get($keyword, $option = array()) Return null or value of cache
* @method set() driver_set($keyword, $value = '', $time = 300, $option = array()) Set a obj to cache
* @method delete() delete(string $keyword) Delete key from cache
* @method clean() clean($option = array()) Clean up whole cache
* @method checkdriver() checkdriver() Delete key from cache
* @method stats() stats($option = array()) Show stats of caching
* @method systemInfo() systemInfo() Return System Information
class phpFastCache
* @var bool
public static $disabled = false;
* @var array
public static $config = array(
'storage' => '', // blank for auto
'default_chmod' => 0777, // 0777 , 0666, 0644
'overwrite' => "", // files, sqlite, etc it will overwrite ur storage and all other caching for waiting u fix ur server
'allow_search' => false, // turn to true will allow $method search("/regex/")
'fallback' => 'files', //Fall back when old driver is not support
'securityKey' => 'auto',
'htaccess' => true,
'path' => '',
'memcache' => array(
array('', 11211, 1),
// array("new.host.ip",11211,1),
'redis' => array(
'host' => '',
'port' => '',
'password' => '',
'database' => '',
'timeout' => '',
'ssdb' => array(
'host' => '',
'port' => 8888,
'password' => '',
'timeout' => '',
'extensions' => array(),
"cache_method" => 1, // 1 = normal, 2 = phpfastcache, 3 = memory
"limited_memory_each_object" => 4000, // maximum size (bytes) of object store in memory
"compress_data" => false // compress stored data, if the backend supports it
* @var array
protected static $tmp = array();
* @var DriverAbstract $instance
public $instance;
* phpFastCache constructor.
* @param string $storage
* @param array $config
public function __construct($storage = '', $config = array())
if (empty($config)) {
$config = phpFastCache::$config;
$config[ 'storage' ] = $storage;
$storage = strtolower($storage);
if ($storage == '' || $storage == 'auto') {
$storage = self::getAutoClass($config);
$this->instance = CacheManager::getInstance($storage, $config);
* Cores
* @param $config
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public static function getAutoClass($config)
$path = self::getPath(false, $config);
if (is_writable($path)) {
$driver = 'files';
} else if (extension_loaded('apc') && ini_get('apc.enabled') && strpos(PHP_SAPI, 'CGI') === false) {
$driver = 'apc';
} else if (class_exists('memcached')) {
$driver = 'memcached';
} elseif (extension_loaded('wincache') && function_exists('wincache_ucache_set')) {
$driver = 'wincache';
} elseif (extension_loaded('xcache') && function_exists('xcache_get')) {
$driver = 'xcache';
} else if (function_exists('memcache_connect')) {
$driver = 'memcache';
} else if (class_exists('Redis')) {
$driver = 'redis';
} else {
$driver = 'files';
return $driver;
* @param bool $skip_create_path
* @param $config
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public static function getPath($skip_create_path = false, $config)
$tmp_dir = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') ? ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') : sys_get_temp_dir();
if (!isset($config[ 'path' ]) || $config[ 'path' ] == '') {
if (self::isPHPModule()) {
$path = $tmp_dir;
} else {
$document_root_path = rtrim($_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ], '/') . '/../';
$path = isset($_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ]) && is_writable($document_root_path)
? $document_root_path
: rtrim(__DIR__, '/') . '/';
if (self::$config[ 'path' ] != '') {
$path = $config[ 'path' ];
} else {
$path = $config[ 'path' ];
$securityKey = array_key_exists('securityKey',
$config) ? $config[ 'securityKey' ] : '';
if ($securityKey == "" || $securityKey == 'auto') {
$securityKey = self::$config[ 'securityKey' ];
if ($securityKey == 'auto' || $securityKey == '') {
$securityKey = isset($_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ]) ? preg_replace('/^www./',
'', strtolower(str_replace(':', '_', $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ]))) : "default";
if ($securityKey != '') {
$securityKey .= '/';
$securityKey = self::cleanFileName($securityKey);
$full_path = rtrim($path,'/') . '/' . $securityKey;
$full_pathx = md5($full_path);
if ($skip_create_path == false && !isset(self::$tmp[ $full_pathx ])) {
if (!@file_exists($full_path) || !@is_writable($full_path)) {
if (!@file_exists($full_path)) {
@mkdir($full_path, self::__setChmodAuto($config), true);
if (!@is_writable($full_path)) {
@chmod($full_path, self::__setChmodAuto($config));
if(!@is_writable($full_path)) {
// switch back to tmp dir again if the path is not writeable
$full_path = rtrim($tmp_dir,'/') . '/' . $securityKey;
if (!@file_exists($full_path)) {
@mkdir($full_path, self::__setChmodAuto($config), true);
if (!@is_writable($full_path)) {
@chmod($full_path, self::__setChmodAuto($config));
if (!@file_exists($full_path) || !@is_writable($full_path)) {
throw new phpFastCacheCoreException('PLEASE CREATE OR CHMOD ' . $full_path . ' - 0777 OR ANY WRITABLE PERMISSION!', 92);
self::$tmp[ $full_pathx ] = true;
self::htaccessGen($full_path, array_key_exists('htaccess', $config) ? $config[ 'htaccess' ] : false);
return realpath($full_path);
* @param $filename
* @return mixed
public static function cleanFileName($filename)
$regex = array(
$replace = array('-', '', '');
return trim(preg_replace($regex, $replace, trim($filename)),'-');
* @param $config
* @return int
public static function __setChmodAuto($config)
if (!isset($config[ 'default_chmod' ]) || $config[ 'default_chmod' ] == '' || is_null($config[ 'default_chmod' ])) {
return 0777;
} else {
return $config[ 'default_chmod' ];
* @return array
protected static function getOS()
$os = array(
'os' => PHP_OS,
'php' => PHP_SAPI,
'system' => php_uname(),
'unique' => md5(php_uname() . PHP_OS . PHP_SAPI),
return $os;
* @return bool
public static function isPHPModule()
if (PHP_SAPI === 'apache2handler') {
return true;
} else {
if (strpos(PHP_SAPI, 'handler') !== false) {
return true;
return false;
* @param $path
* @param bool $create
* @throws \Exception
protected static function htaccessGen($path, $create = true)
if ($create == true) {
if (!is_writable($path)) {
try {
chmod($path, 0777);
} catch (phpFastCacheDriverException $e) {
throw new phpFastCacheDriverException('PLEASE CHMOD ' . $path . ' - 0777 OR ANY WRITABLE PERMISSION!',
if(!file_exists($path."/.htaccess")) {
// echo "write me";
$html = "order deny, allow \r\n
deny from all \r\n
allow from";
$f = @fopen($path . '/.htaccess', 'w+');
if (!$f) {
throw new phpFastCacheDriverException('PLEASE CHMOD ' . $path . ' - 0777 OR ANY WRITABLE PERMISSION!', 92);
fwrite($f, $html);
* @param $name
* @param string $value
public static function setup($name, $value = '')
if (is_array($name)) {
self::$config = array_merge(self::$config,$name);
} else {
self::$config[ $name ] = $value;
* @param $something
public static function debug($something)
echo "Starting Debugging ...<br>\r\n ";
if (is_array($something)) {
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
} else {
echo $something;
echo "\r\n<br> Ended";