<?php /** * * This file is part of phpFastCache. * * @license MIT License (MIT) * * For full copyright and license information, please see the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * * @author Khoa Bui (khoaofgod) <khoaofgod@gmail.com> http://www.phpfastcache.com * @author Georges.L (Geolim4) <contact@geolim4.com> * */ namespace phpFastCache\Core; use phpFastCache\Exceptions\phpFastCacheDriverException; use phpFastCache\CacheManager; /** * Class DriverAbstract * @package phpFastCache\Core */ abstract class DriverAbstract implements DriverInterface { /** * @var array */ public $extension_dir = '_extensions'; /** * @var array */ public $tmp = array(); /** * @var array default options, this will be merge to Driver's Options */ public $config = array(); /** * @var bool */ public $fallback = false; /** * @var */ public $instant; public function __destruct() { // clean up the memory and don't want for PHP clean for caching method "phpfastcache" if (isset($this->config[ 'instance' ]) && (int)$this->config[ 'cache_method' ] === 3) { CacheManager::cleanCachingMethod($this->config[ 'instance' ]); } } /** * @param $keyword * @return string */ protected function encodeFilename($keyword) { // return trim(trim(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '_', $keyword), '_')); // return rtrim(base64_encode($keyword), '='); return md5($keyword); } /** * Basic Functions * @param $keyword * @param string $value * @param int $time * @param array $option * @return bool|null */ public function set($keyword, $value = '', $time = 0, $option = array()) { /** * Infinity Time * Khoa. B */ if ((int)$time <= 0) { /** * 5 years, however memcached or memory cached will gone when u restart it * just recommended for sqlite. files */ $time = 3600 * 24 * 365 * 5; } /** * Temporary disabled phpFastCache::$disabled = true * Khoa. B */ if (phpFastCache::$disabled === true) { return false; } $object = array( "value" => $value, "write_time" => time(), "expired_in" => $time, "expired_time" => time() + (int)$time, "size" => (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) ? strlen(serialize($value)) : strlen((String)$value), ); // handle search if (isset($this->config[ 'allow_search' ]) && $this->config[ 'allow_search' ] == true) { $option[ 'tags' ][] = "search"; } // handle tags if (isset($option[ 'tags' ])) { $this->_handleTags($keyword, $time, $option[ 'tags' ]); } // handle method if ((int)$this->config[ 'cache_method' ] > 1 && isset($object[ 'size' ]) && (int)$object[ 'size' ] <= (int)$this->config[ 'limited_memory_each_object' ]) { CacheManager::$memory[ $this->config[ 'instance' ] ][ $keyword ] = $object; if (in_array((int)$this->config[ 'cache_method' ], array(3, 4))) { return true; } } $this->_hit("set", 1); return $this->driver_set($keyword, $object, $time, $option); } /** * @param $keyword * @param array $option * @return mixed */ public function get($keyword, $option = array()) { /** * Temporary disabled phpFastCache::$disabled = true * Khoa. B */ if (phpFastCache::$disabled === true) { return null; } // handle method if ((int)$this->config[ 'cache_method' ] > 1) { if (isset(CacheManager::$memory[ $this->config[ 'instance' ] ][ $keyword ])) { $object = CacheManager::$memory[ $this->config[ 'instance' ] ][ $keyword ]; } } if (!isset($object)) { $this->_hit("get", 1); $object = $this->driver_get($keyword, $option); // handle method if ((int)$this->config[ 'cache_method' ] > 1 && isset($object[ 'size' ]) && (int)$object[ 'size' ] <= (int)$this->config[ 'limited_memory_each_object' ]) { CacheManager::$memory[ $this->config[ 'instance' ] ][ $keyword ] = $object; } // end handle method } if ($object == null) { return null; } $value = isset($object[ 'value' ]) ? $object[ 'value' ] : null; return isset($option[ 'all_keys' ]) && $option[ 'all_keys' ] ? $object : $value; } /** * @param $keyword * @param array $option * @return null|object */ public function getInfo($keyword, $option = array()) { if ((int)$this->config[ 'cache_method' ] > 1) { if (isset(CacheManager::$memory[ $this->config[ 'instance' ] ][ $keyword ])) { $object = CacheManager::$memory[ $this->config[ 'instance' ] ][ $keyword ]; } } if (!isset($object)) { $object = $this->driver_get($keyword, $option); } if ($object == null) { return null; } return $object; } /** * @param $keyword * @param array $option * @return mixed */ public function delete($keyword, array $option = array()) { // handle method if ((int)$this->config[ 'cache_method' ] > 1) { // use memory unset(CacheManager::$memory[ $this->config[ 'instance' ] ][ $keyword ]); } // end handle method return $this->driver_delete($keyword, $option); } /** * @param array $option * @return mixed */ public function stats(array $option = array()) { return $this->driver_stats($option); } /** * @param array $option * @return mixed */ public function clean(array $option = array()) { // handle method if ((int)$this->config[ 'cache_method' ] > 1) { // use memory CacheManager::$memory[ $this->config[ 'instance' ] ] = array(); } // end handle method return $this->driver_clean($option); } /** * @param $keyword * @return bool */ public function isExisting($keyword) { if (method_exists($this, 'driver_isExisting')) { return $this->driver_isExisting($keyword); } $data = $this->get($keyword); if ($data == null) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Searches though the cache for keys that match the given query. * @param $query_as_regex_or_string * @param bool $search_in_value * @return mixed * @throws phpFastCacheDriverException */ public function search($query_as_regex_or_string, $search_in_value = false) { if ($this->config[ 'allow_search' ] != true) { throw new phpFastCacheDriverException('Please setup allow_search = true'); } else { $list = $this->getTags("search", $search_in_value); $tmp = explode("/", $query_as_regex_or_string, 2); $regex = isset($tmp[ 1 ]) ? true : false; $return_list = array(); foreach ($list as $tag) { foreach ($tag as $keyword => $value) { $gotcha = false; if ($search_in_value == true) { $value = $this->get($keyword); } if ($regex == true && $gotcha == false) { // look in keyword if (preg_match($query_as_regex_or_string, $keyword)) { $return_list[ $keyword ] = $value; $gotcha = true; } } if ($gotcha == false) { if (strpos($keyword, $query_as_regex_or_string) !== false) { $return_list[ $keyword ] = $value; $gotcha = true; } } if ($search_in_value == true && $gotcha == false) { // value search if ($regex == true && $gotcha == false) { if (preg_match($query_as_regex_or_string, $value)) { $return_list[ $keyword ] = $value; $gotcha = true; } } if ($gotcha == false) { if (strpos($value, $query_as_regex_or_string) !== false) { $return_list[ $keyword ] = $value; $gotcha = true; } } } } // each tags loop } // end foreach return $return_list; } } /** * @param $keyword * @param int $step * @param array $option * @return bool */ public function increment($keyword, $step = 1, array $option = array()) { $object = $this->get($keyword, array('all_keys' => true)); if ($object == null) { return false; } else { $value = (int)$object[ 'value' ] + (int)$step; $time = $object[ 'expired_time' ] - time(); $this->set($keyword, $value, $time, $option); return true; } } /** * @param $keyword * @param int $step * @param array $option * @return bool */ public function decrement($keyword, $step = 1, array $option = array()) { $object = $this->get($keyword, array('all_keys' => true)); if ($object == null) { return false; } else { $value = (int)$object[ 'value' ] - (int)$step; $time = $object[ 'expired_time' ] - time(); $this->set($keyword, $value, $time, $option); return true; } } /** * Extend more time * @param $keyword * @param int $time * @param array $option * @return bool */ public function touch($keyword, $time = 300, array $option = array()) { $object = $this->get($keyword, array('all_keys' => true)); if ($object == null) { return false; } else { $value = $object[ 'value' ]; $time = $object[ 'expired_time' ] - time() + $time; $this->set($keyword, $value, $time, $option); return true; } } /** * Other Functions Built-int for phpFastCache since 1.3 */ /** * @param array $list */ public function setMulti(array $list = array()) { foreach ($list as $array) { $this->set($array[ 0 ], isset($array[ 1 ]) ? $array[ 1 ] : 0, isset($array[ 2 ]) ? $array[ 2 ] : array()); } } /** * @param array $list * @return array */ public function getMulti(array $list = array()) { $res = array(); foreach ($list as $array) { $name = $array[ 0 ]; $res[ $name ] = $this->get($name, isset($array[ 1 ]) ? $array[ 1 ] : array()); } return $res; } /** * @param array $list * @return array */ public function getInfoMulti(array $list = array()) { $res = array(); foreach ($list as $array) { $name = $array[ 0 ]; $res[ $name ] = $this->getInfo($name, isset($array[ 1 ]) ? $array[ 1 ] : array()); } return $res; } /** * @param array $list * @param array $option */ public function deleteMulti(array $list = array(), array $option = array()) { foreach ($list as $item) { if (is_array($item) && count($item) === 2) { $this->delete($item[ 0 ], $item[ 1 ]); } } } /** * @param array $list * @return array */ public function isExistingMulti(array $list = array()) { $res = array(); foreach ($list as $array) { $name = $array[ 0 ]; $res[ $name ] = $this->isExisting($name); } return $res; } /** * @param array $list * @return array */ public function incrementMulti(array $list = array()) { $res = array(); foreach ($list as $array) { $name = $array[ 0 ]; $res[ $name ] = $this->increment($name, $array[ 1 ], isset($array[ 2 ]) ? $array[ 2 ] : array()); } return $res; } /** * @param array $list * @return array */ public function decrementMulti(array $list = array()) { $res = array(); foreach ($list as $array) { $name = $array[ 0 ]; $res[ $name ] = $this->decrement($name, $array[ 1 ], isset($array[ 2 ]) ? $array[ 2 ] : array()); } return $res; } /** * @param array $list * @return array */ public function touchMulti(array $list = array()) { $res = array(); foreach ($list as $array) { $name = $array[ 0 ]; $res[ $name ] = $this->touch($name, $array[ 1 ], isset($array[ 2 ]) ? $array[ 2 ] : array()); } return $res; } /** * @param $config_name * @param string $value */ public function setup($config_name, $value = '') { /* * Config for class */ if (is_array($config_name)) { $this->config = array_merge($this->config, $config_name); } else { $this->config[ $config_name ] = $value; } } /** * @param int $time */ public function autoCleanExpired($time = 3600) { } /** * Magic methods */ /** * @param $name * @return mixed */ public function __get($name) { return $this->get($name); } /** * @param $name * @param $v * @return bool|null * @throws \Exception */ public function __set($name, $v) { if (isset($v[ 1 ]) && is_scalar($v[ 1 ])) { return $this->set($name, $v[ 0 ], $v[ 1 ], isset($v[ 2 ]) ? $v[ 2 ] : array()); } else { throw new phpFastCacheDriverException("Example ->$name = array('VALUE', 300);", 98); } } /** * Base Methods */ /** * @return mixed */ protected function backup() { return phpFastCache(phpFastCache::$config[ 'fallback' ]); } /** * @param $name * @return void */ protected function required_extension($name) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/../' . $this->extension_dir . '/' . $name . '.' . PHP_EXT); } /** * @param $file * @return string * @throws \Exception */ protected function readfile($file) { if (function_exists('file_get_contents')) { return file_get_contents($file); } else { $string = ''; $file_handle = @fopen($file, 'r'); if (!$file_handle) { throw new phpFastCacheDriverException("Can't Read File", 96); } while (!feof($file_handle)) { $line = fgets($file_handle); $string .= $line; } fclose($file_handle); return $string; } } /** * return PATH for Files & PDO only * @param bool $create_path * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public function getPath($create_path = false) { return phpFastCache::getPath($create_path, $this->config); } /** * Object for Files & SQLite * @param $data * @return string */ protected function encode($data) { return serialize($data); } /** * @param $value * @return mixed */ protected function decode($value) { $x = @unserialize($value); if ($x == false) { return $value; } else { return $x; } } /** * Check phpModules or CGI * @return bool */ protected function isPHPModule() { return phpFastCache::isPHPModule(); } /** * @param $class * @return bool */ protected function isExistingDriver($class) { return class_exists("\\phpFastCache\\Drivers\\{$class}"); } /** * @return int */ protected function __setChmodAuto() { return phpFastCache::__setChmodAuto($this->config); } /** * @param $tag * @return string */ protected function _getTagName($tag) { return "__tag__" . $tag; } /** * @return \phpFastCache\Core\DriverAbstract */ protected function _tagCaching() { return CacheManager::Sqlite( array( "path" => $this->config[ 'path' ], "cache_method" => 3, ) ); } /** * @param string $keyword * @param mixed $value * @param integer $time * @param array $tags * @param array $option | $option = array("tags" => array("a","b","c") * @return mixed */ public function setTags($keyword, $value = '', $time = 0, $tags = array(), $option = array()) { if (!is_array($tags)) { $tags = array($tags); } $option[ 'tags' ] = $tags; return $this->set($keyword, $value, $time, $option); } protected function _handleTags($keyword, $time, $tags) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $list = $this->_tagCaching()->get($this->_getTagName($tag)); if (is_null($list)) { $list = array(); } $list[ $keyword ] = time() + $time; $this->_tagCaching()->set($this->_getTagName($tag), $list, 3600 * 24 * 30); } } /** * @param array $tags * @param bool $return_content * @param array $option | $option = array("tags" => array("a","b","c") * @return array */ public function getTags($tags = array(), $return_content = true, $option = array()) { if (!is_array($tags)) { $tags = array($tags); } $keywords = array(); $tmp = 0; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $list = $this->_tagCaching()->get($this->_getTagName($tag)); $list_return = array(); if (is_null($list)) { $list = array(); } foreach ($list as $keyword => $time) { if ($time <= time()) { unset($list[ $keyword ]); } else { if ($tmp < $time) { $tmp = $time; } if ($return_content == true) { $list_return[ $keyword ] = $this->get($keyword); } else { $list_return[ $keyword ] = $time; } } } $this->_tagCaching()->set($this->_getTagName($tag), $list, $tmp); $keywords[ $tag ] = $list_return; } return $keywords; } /** * @param array $tags | array("a","b","c") * @param int $time * @param array $options * @return mixed * @internal param array $option | $option = array("tags" => array("a","b","c") */ public function touchTags($tags = array(), $time = 300, $options = array()) { if (!is_array($tags)) { $tags = array($tags); } $lists = $this->getTags($tags); foreach ($lists as $tag => $keywords) { foreach ($keywords as $keyword => $time) { $this->touch($keyword, $time, $options); } } return true; } /** * @param array $tags | array("a","b","c") * @param array $option | $option = array("tags" => array("a","b","c") * @return mixed */ public function deleteTags($tags = array(), $option = array()) { if (!is_array($tags)) { $tags = array($tags); } $lists = $this->getTags($tags); foreach ($lists as $tag => $keywords) { foreach ($keywords as $keyword => $time) { $this->delete($keyword, $option); } } return true; } /** * @param array $tags | array("a","b","c") * @param integer * @param array $option | $option = array("tags" => array("a","b","c") * @return mixed */ public function incrementTags($tags = array(), $step = 1, $option = array()) { if (!is_array($tags)) { $tags = array($tags); } $lists = $this->getTags($tags); foreach ($lists as $tag => $keywords) { foreach ($keywords as $keyword => $time) { $this->increment($keyword, $step, $option); } } return true; } /** * @param array $tags | array("a","b","c") * @param integer * @param array $option | $option = array("tags" => array("a","b","c") * @return mixed */ public function decrementTags($tags = array(), $step = 1, $option = array()) { if (!is_array($tags)) { $tags = array($tags); } $lists = $this->getTags($tags); foreach ($lists as $tag => $keywords) { foreach ($keywords as $keyword => $time) { $this->decrement($keyword, $step, $option); } } return true; } /** * @param $value */ protected function _kbdebug($value) { /* echo "<pre>"; print_r($value); echo "</pre>"; */ } public function _hit($index, $step = 1) { $instance = $this->config[ 'instance' ]; $current = isset(CacheManager::$hit[ $instance ][ 'data' ][ $index ]) ? CacheManager::$hit[ $instance ][ 'data' ][ $index ] : 0; CacheManager::$hit[ $instance ][ 'data' ][ $index ] = $current + ($step); } }