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About the news system Wruczek, 2016-10-26, 21:00

You can add, change and remove news as a separate Markdown files located in config/news folder with extension .md.

I recommend following John Gruber's excellent markdown guide, found right under this text . It's really worth reading. To view the code that makes up the guide, go to config/news/news2.md.

I can also recommend GitHub's "Mastering Markdown" guide.

PS: You can mix Markdown with HTML to add cool stuff like icons , or even a full YouTube player with video!


  • News are read from the config/news folder, alphabetically sorted by file name. (news A.md will be at top of the page while Z.md at the bottom)
  • Every news file need to have .md (Markdown) extension
  • News file syntax:
    • First line: News title
    • Second line: author and date
    • Third line: empty (seperator)
    • The rest of the file is Markdown code and HTML

Example news file:

News system test
Wruczek, 26-10-2016

Hello **world**!

I am the *news file*, you can save me in **config/news** folder with an **.md** extension to see me on the page!

Good luck and Happy writing! -Wruczek